Chapter eight

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I couldn't tell if I was awake or asleep. Maybe I was both, I couldn't really be sure. I mean I could hear and feel something hard below me, but...I couldn't see, I couldn't move. I was scared at first, and tried frantically to move any part of my body, but after a while I gave up. That's when I heard it. The angel like voice I hadn't heard in a week. The same voice I was dying to hear again. It was Niall. I stayed still and listened closely as he spoke.

"Thanks Brad, I appreciate it" I could hear sadness and worry in it.

"No problem man. I just thought maybe you might wanna pick her up. She had quite a few drinks, I'm not sure she'd be able to drive herself home in this state." it was Bradley. I forgot I was even at his house. But what was I even still doing here?

"Alright,well...I better get going. Her parents are worried sick about her. They called me earlier wondering if she was with me."

"Ok. Bye man."

"Bye" Niall said before I heard footsteps go up the stairs.

I waited a few seconds to hear what was happening, but then I felt arms wrap around my body. The same strong arms that I longed to feel again, the ones that had made me week and kept me safe after all this time. I was lifted up, off the ground and into the air. That's when my eyes were finally able to open. Right in front of me I saw him. He looked down at me and gave a weak smile, clearly not happy, but not wanting to show it.

"Niall?" I asked in a raspy voice.

"It's me love."

I wiggled in his arms, giving him the sign I wanted to be let.go, then he set me on my feet, but kept a hand around my waist. I wobbled a little to the car, and almost fell flat on my face. I probably still had alcohol in my system, and it was making my vision blurry, instead of one drive way there was 4, and I couldn't tell which one was the real one.

"You okay love?" Neill asked, looking at me with concern. it's like he had never seen me drunk before. He has, he's the one who took me out to my first party not too long ago. I couldn't understand why he was looking at me like that.

I nodded and gave a slight smile.

"Yeah, I'm fine."

As soon as we got to the car ball helped me In and buckled me, I was too week, or maybe I was just too lazy to do it myself.

After he buckled me in he got in the car himself and started it. For a while everything was quite, and it sure wasn't one of those comfortable silences, the kinds you hear about in romance novels. in fact, it was far off from being comfortable. If you considered death glares, grinding teeth and guilt comfortable, then I guess you could call it that. But it sure wasn't a good silence.

I stared out the window quietly as I waited for us to drive.

"Why?" Niall asked, breaking the silence.

I looked over at him with confusion, why what?

"What?" I asked.

He tightened his grip on the steering wheel, making his knuckles turn pale white, before he looked at me.

"Why did you drink Amber? huh? You know this could hurt the baby" he said.

I frowned and looked back out the window.

"i don't have to explain myself Niall. I can drink if I want."

He nodded.

"Yeah. Maybe you can, but this isn't healthy for the baby Amber ,and you know it. You should know it I would think"

I didn't look at him. I didn't want him to yell at me any more, I already had a bad enough headache as it was.


I turned my head to look at him and clenched my teeth.

"So why do you care?"

He looked at me with shock before pulling out of the drive way and starting down the road.

"Why do I care? Did you really just ask me that? Because that's my child. That's why. And I don't want it to be born unhealthy. An  if you keep up your partying that baby is not gonna last long in this world."

I shook my head and stayed silent for a few seconds.

"I'm sorry." I said softly.

Niall pulled in front of my house and parked. I looked at him.

"Let me cool down for a bit, okay. And well talk about this more later. For now go inside and get some rest. I'll be by later to pick you up. we're going out tonight"

I nodded my head, kissed his cheek and got out of the car. I knew last night was a bad idea, but I didn't want to lose my reputation I tried so hard to earn. But I have other things that are more important, perhaps th  living human being that was now growing inside of me. And there was no turning back. No matter how much I wanted to.

Okay guys. here's the next chapter. Sorry it's so short and not very detailed, I'm tired and couldn't hold off any longer. Sorry I made you guys wait so long Xoxo

Baby Niall horanWhere stories live. Discover now