Chapter Four

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All week I haven't been feeling myself lately. I've been having nightmares, cramps, really bad mood swings and puking up everything. its worse than it was last week. I don't know what I ate to make myself get this way but I wished it would just go away. A few times a week Niall would come over and comfort me while I had to spend some time in bed. And to be honest it helped a little. But it still drove me crazy to be in bed that long. But it helped when he would lay on the couch next to me with his arms wrapped around my waist while we watched something on the tv. Sometimes when he thought I was asleep I would find him moving my hair behind my ear and kissing me on my cheek and neck. I wouldn't move until it ended because it felt good just to be in his arms, just to know he was there.

Today was the first day I was able to be out of bed since my puking. My mom had set me up a doctors appointment with Dr.Roberts. I told her I didn't need to go to the doctors and that it was just a cold, but she forced me to come because she thought that it was going on a little longer than a cold was. She wanted to make sure I was still healthy.

"Amber Riley?" a nurse called from the door way of the hall.

 I got up and followed the nurse to the room I was destined to wait while my mother stayed behind reading a magazine.

The nurse opened the door for me and gestured to the bed. "Have a seat while you wait for the doctor." she said before leaving the room.

I took a seat on the bed and waited. To be honest I was a bit nervous. I didn't like doctors one bit. I would've had Niall come with me but yet again he had another recording to do with his band, and I was left in this horrible room by myself.

"Hey amber, how are you?" asked Dr.Roberts as he entered the room.

I smiled "Great and you?"

 "Good" he answered as he took a seat on a rolling chair and slid it over so he was in front of me "So amber...what seems to be the problem?"

"Ive been puking and having really bad cramps and mood swings." I answered.

I watched as he wrote on his clip board. "And how long has this been going on?"

"About a week"

"Hmm...alright" he said writing on his clip board again "Would you mind taking a urine test for me?"

I hesitated "S-sure"

 I got up and he handed me a small cup with my first and last name and showed me to the bathroom. I did my business then inserted the cup into the metal box by the toilet and went back to the room and waited there myself while the doctor was working.

*10 minutes later*

The doctor came into the room silently then put his things away while I watched him. Then he came and sat down in front of me.

"Amber have you considered your self being pregnant?"

that was an awkward question to ask "" I answered.

" Have you had any sexual intercourse?"



"Last week. why?"

"You're pregnant amber"..........


well...what do you think? I left you guys there with a cliff hanger so I could have some time to edit the last part of it. Please don't hate me. lol. i'll have the next chapter up today. since it's summer i'll have more time to write. so hopefully I'll have this story finished before school starts again. Thanks for being patient with me. :-)





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