Chapter Five

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Previously in Baby Niall Horan:

"Amber you're pregnant".....


I looked at the doctor in fear and that's when my face when went cold. I sat there frozen taking in all this information he had just said, but it was hard to believe it. What did he just say? Did he say what I thought he said? Was I really pregnant? I looked up at him and asked "Are you sure?"

He nodded sadly "I'm afraid so" he answered patting me on the shoulder. "If you want you can go now, just sign out at the front office. Do you want to bring your mother in real quickly to tell her the news"

I smiled a week smile I knew wouldn't reach my eyes and said "No. Thank you"

He nodded once more before heading out the door and to another room.

 I got up and walked out the room and signed myself out before heading to the car with my mom. On the car ride home I was silent. I kept thinking about how I was supposed to tell my mom. She was sure to kick me out if she found out. She told me once that if I ever got knocked up I was on my own, and for me that was a bad thing since I had no where else to go. And most importantly how was I supposed to tell Niall? How was he gonna take this?

I had two choices how to tell Niall, either tell him its his child that i'm pregnant with or tell him it was someone elses so I wouldn't ruin his singing career. If the paparazzi  found out they were sure to tell the world and ruin Nialls singing career. And what made me upset was that either way he wouldn't be there for our child. He'd always be on the road doing some tour while I would be taking care of our child. I wasn't even sure I wanted to keep it. Maybe I could secretly abort it without them knowing and all my troubles would be gone. But...I knew it was against my religion to kill someone even though they were not yet living.  I couldn't and would not do it. Even if I had to face all my troubles alone.

When we got home I went up to my room and layed down in my bed while I cried. After my mom dropped me off at home she went off to work so I didn't need to worry about my mother seeing or hearing me cry. Every once in a while Niall would call me on my cell and i'd pick it up just to put it back down. I didn't feel like talking right now. All I wanted was to be left alone.

But unfortunately I didn't get that because after Niall called for the billionth time he came over to my house. When I saw him at the door with a worried expression on his face I couldn't help but want to cry. And that's exactly what I did.

I grabbed Niall and pulled him into me for a hug and cried into his chest while he hugged me tighter, trying to soothe me.

"Amber?" Niall asked pulling me back to look at him. we were now seated on the couch.

"Yeah?" I asked already knowing where this was going.

"Whats wrong love?"

I just shook my head and curled up with him. "Nothing" I lied.

"Amber, you cant lie to me. Wont you please tell me whats wrong?"

 I pulled back and looked into his eyes wondering if I should tell him the truth. Should I? I guess I should...after all, this is his child i'm carrying.

I looked up at him and hesitated while I felt the tears start back up.

"Whats wrong love?" he asked once more but softer.

"I-I'm pregnant"


Well...I guess that's a good place to stop. I love cliff hangers. Well I wont leave you hanging for long, hopefully i'll have another chapter up later today.

as usual





love yah!

until next time

~Musiclvr  :-)


Baby Niall horanजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें