Chapter eighteen

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Today was the day I would finally get to find out the gender of my baby. Mine and Niall's baby I should say. To say I was excited would be too much of an understatement to be even half of the truth of what I am feeling right at this very moment as my fingers drummed a pattern on the black leather seats in Niall's yellow Lamborghini. I couldn't wait to find out if I was having a boy or a girl, this was something I had been looking forward to so desperately.

When we arrived at the hospital we made our way up a couple of floors in a small little elevator as we watched each one pass by. After getting off the elevator we entered a small quiet waiting room, filled with women and men all getting ready for a check up on their baby.

I took a seat over in the corner as Niall went up to the front office and signed us in. I grabbed a magazine from a small side table by the chair I was sitting in and flipped through the pages, looking at different baby faces, each having the same blue eyes, adorable smile and small body. It was really hard to imagine that I myself would be having a baby soon enough. I would be a mother. I would feed my child, play with it, teach it valuable lessons and never leave it's side unlike my mother who had fully given up on me not much more than three weeks ago. I promise I will never abandon it or give up on them, I will stay and try my hardest no matter how much work it takes.

After I had looked through a couple of magazines I sent them down and started to fiddle with loose thread on my black skinny jeans, Niall staring at me intently.

I looked up at him and he gave me a small smile and set his large warm hand on top of my cold shaking one's, trying his best to calm me down.

"It'll be fine babe, I promise" he whispered in my ear quietly, so he wouldn't disturb other couples as they read baby books and magazines.

I nodded at him and looked back down at our intertwined hands and smiled. It was also really hard to imagine that less than two years ago we had been nothing more than friends. Just a guy and a girl taking long walks in the park, going bowling, having fun night outs with friends and making each other laugh at simple things as we chatted on the phone late at night. But now, it was like a dream come true. He was my boyfriend, and I was his one and only girlfriend who was going to have his child within a couple of months. Most girls would kill to be his girlfriend, and I was exactly that.

"Amber Riley?" a nurse called from the front.

I looked up and smiled at her politely, gripping Niall's hand in mine as I headed towards the door.

"Hi, how are you today?" the nurse named Jane asked.

"Good," I answered "Just a bit excited, that's all"

She chuckled, her face looking younger as the wrinkles disappeared from her face whenever she smiled "I would be too. this is something all women look forward to. Now....lay down on the bed and we can get started!"

I layed gently down on the paper that was laying on top of the bed and lifted my shirt up to reveal my over sized stomach, knowing fully well what the process was.

Jane squirted the gooey gel on my stomach, Niall squeezing my hand as I subverted from the cold sensation.

Jane slid the reader around my stomach until she found a perfect spot. She smiled as she kept on staring at the screen.

"There's your baby" she said as she pointed to a shadow form of a human being inside of me.

"It's a baby girl by the way" she added.

I looked over at Niall, seeing his face covered with a huge grin that could only be described as truly elated.

"My princess" he whispered then kissed my hand still in his before kissing my forehead.

I giggled.

"I love her already" he stated.

I nodded in agreement. I was more than happy to admit I was excited to bring her into this world, and I couldn't wait til the day I would meet her.


When we got back to the house Niall was really tired from being gone all day and all the work he had been doing all week. He quickly headed up stairs as soon as we got home and kissed me goodnight.

I was not ready for bed just yet. I had a phone call to make.

I pulled my phone out from my back pocket and dialled a number I knew would not be happy. My mom.

After a couple of rings she answered the phone in a very unpleasant voice.

"What do you want?"

I sighed.

"I got the ultra sound today. it's a girl if you wanted to know, you'll be getting a granddaughter"

The line was silent for a few seconds as she pondered in her head what exactly she wanted to say to me.

"I told you, I don't care. I'm not gonna be associated with something that was unplanned" she said in a venomous voice.

I gasped and frowned in disbelief "How can you even say that? this baby is still your blood. it's part of me. part of you"

She sighed "Not any more" then hung up.

I pulled the phone away from my ear and looked at it in shock. I just couldn't believe my own mother would turn on me like that, she had turned so cold.

I shook my head as a tear rolled down my cheek, leaving a stained path then headed on up stairs where I got ready for bed. I layed down next to Niall, rubbing my belly gently as I listened to my sweet boyfriends slow breathing.

"You'll be fine" I whispered to my belly more than to myself.

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