Chapter Seventeen

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The next morning i awoke to an empty side beside me, where Niall should be laying, keeping me warm, cuddling closely to me. I cracked open my eyes, squinting at the bright light coming in through the window, i looked around the room thinking maybe he was getting dressed but he wasnt there. I sighed and got up, getting dressed in Jeans and a t-shirt before making my way downstairs to see if he was there.

From the top of the stairs i could the TV playing loudly from downstairs, it sounded like a comedy, then i heard a husky laugh. I walked down the stairs slowly, my hand never leaving the

 railing, then peeked around the wall to see Liam dressed in a plaid shirt and black skinny jeans with a bowl of popcorn in his lap, smiling at the screen.

He spotted me from the corner of his eye and smiled "Good morning Sunshine!" He said to me.

I hopped off the steps and walked over to him, taking a seat on the couch and reached into the bowl of popcorn before poping it into my mouth.

"Where's Niall?" I asked with my mouth full of popcorn.

He shrugged "I dont know, probably out somewhere's. Don't worry, he'll be back soon." he told me.

I nodded grabbed another handful of popcorn.

"You make him happy you know?" Liam said.


i asked.

"You make Niall happy. We havent seen him this happy in a long while. And i know he'll be even happier once this baby arrives. It's just what he needs. You're what he needs" he said looking me in the eyes.

I nodded and looked down at my hands "I'm not sure about that" i said "I dont want to ruin his life with a baby. I don't wanna ruin his singing career"

Liam sighed and shook his head "It wont ruin his career love, it'll only make him unavailable to all the girls" He said giving me a cheeky smile and winking.

I laughed and shook my head before looking back up at him "I guess you're right" i admitted.

He sqeezed my shoulder "I'm always right. Learn that now and we'll be fine" he smiled before getting up off the couch and putting the popcorn bowl in the sink.

"Well, i'm off to the studio. I've got to record my part of our new song. I'll see you later love"

I smiled and waved as he walked through the front door and backed away from the drive way.

After Liam left i decided to try and keep myself company at least until Niall got home. I washed all the dishes in the sink, dried them and put them away. I made Nialls bed and cleaned the bathroom, scrubbing the toilet and floor extra hard. After i felt that the bathroom was completely clean i layed on the couch and turned on some dumb reality show.

It was  much longer before Niall showed up with a large stack of books in his hand and some paper work. He slammed them down on the dining room table, panting a little. His eyes were a little red and his hair dripping with sweat.

I looked at him and frowned a little.

"What happened to you?" I asked him.

He just smiled and pulled me into a tight hug then kissed my forehead.

"I went out today. Went to the library."

I chuckled at the thought of him reading, he was Niall, he never read any book, except for how to make food.

"Really?" I asked "You actually went to the library?"

He nodded and smiled before pulling back and grabbing a book from the table and showing it to me.

"Since I'm gonna be a daddy and you're gonna be a mommy I decided to pick up some pregnancy books to help us get through this a little easier."

I shook my head and chuckled then kissed him on his cheek lightly.

"Thank you babe. That was very sweet of you."

He closed his eyes and smiled as he rested his forehead against mine. "I did it because I love you" he exclaimed.

I closed my eyes as well "I love you too" I whispered.

Baby Niall horanDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora