Chapter Three

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The next day I woke up feeling good, like I was a new person. As I lay back on my bed I kept replaying last night in my head, over and over and over again. I probably would've regretted last night but since it made me feel good I didn't. somehow I wanted more. I wanted nothing more than for Niall and me to do it all over again. The way he held me in his arms, the way his gorgeous blue eyes stared into mine as he had thrusted inside of me. It felt like nothing I've ever experienced was an experience I was more than happy to share with him. Besides, when would I ever feel that good again.

As I rolled onto my side I felt a strong arm wrap around my waist pulling me close to the body that was next to mine. Niall. I smiled then turned my body around to look at him.

"Well good morning sleepy head" I said running a hand through his lush blonde hair that was now a mess.

He smiled "Good morning love."

He bent down and kissed my cheek before I rested my head on his chest. I could hear his heart beat, slow and moving in sync with mine. we stayed like this for a while. My head on his chest, his hand playing with my hair while he occasionally bent down and kissed the top of my head. We were later interrupted by a knock on the door.

"Amber? Honey?" I heard my mother asked outside of my bedroom door.

Me and Niall looked at each other in panic as we both bolted up. I thought my mom was supposed be  at work by now. She's usually never home at this time unless she sick.

"HIDE!" I whispered to Niall.

He quickly grabbed his pants off the floor and stumbled over to the closet as he tried putting his pants on. He bumped his foot into the leg of my bed and cried in pain. I tried really hard not to laugh as I put my own clothes on. As soon as Niall was hidden in the closet and I was fully dressed I opened the door up for my mom.

"Hey mom" I said giving her a nervouse smile.

"Hey amber, I just wanted to drop by before I left for work. I'm a bit late so I have to hurry. Breakfast is down stairs if you want some." she said looking into my room confused. "What was that noise?"

"Oh nothing. I just hit my leg on the bed" I answered.

"Oh. Ok. Bye amber"

"Bye mom" I said as I watched her walk down the stairs.

As soon as she reached the bottom of the stairs I walked over to the closet and let Niall out. He gave me a light kiss on the lips.

"Lets go eat. I'm starving" he said taking my hand and walking us both down stairs.

"You're always hungry" I said rolling my eyes and jumped up on the counter as I watched him heat up a plate of eggs and bacon.

"Am not"

"Are too"

 "Am not"

"are too" i said one last time.

He took the plate out and stuffed a fork full of eggs in his mouth. Then he went and sat down on the couch, flipping on the TV to some sports channel.

I followed him and layed  down on his lap.

 For the rest of the morning we both l layed down on the couch watching TV. It wasn't until around noon when Niall got a phone call.

"Hello?" he asked opening the phone up. " Why? But...fine. Bye." he said angrily as he shut his phone.

"What's wrong?" I wrapped my arms around his neck.

"The boys need me over in the studio to do a new recording for our album" he answered.

"Can I come?"

 "Afraid not. Its too stressful" he said as he got up. He quickly bent down and kissed me on the cheek. "Bye love"

 "Bye" I said watching him walk out the door.

 the rest of the day I spent at home alone until my mom came back home later that day along with my father. Other than that I was alone all day watching TV and thinking to myself. I hated when Niall had to leave, I just wished he'd take me with him on one of his recording days. it'd be fun to watch them work on a new song. But Niall always used the same excuse 'Its to stressful'.

One of these days I'm going to sneak over to his work area and surprise him weather or not he liked it.

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