Chapter fourteen

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After my mom I headed up to my room and started packing my things in a medium sized suitcase. I didn't pack much, just some clothes, a tooth brush, comb, toothpaste, my iPod and charger along with some pictures of me and Niall.

One picture though caught my eye. It was one I hadn't seen in quite a while. It was a picture of me and Niall before all of this crazy Baby stuff started. We were at our school prom. I was dressed up in a blue sparkly dress, Niall in a black and white tux eating a maple syrup donut with his arm wrapped around my waist. I was  looking at him smiling.

I smile  an  put it back in my suitcase before looking at another one.

This one I remembered very well. It was my 15th birthday party. Me and Niall were just friends at the time, and it was before he be me all famous. I was sitting on Niall's lap with my eyes closed and smiling. Niall hugged me close to him with his head on my shoulder looking at the camera with a sort of smile.

I laughed at this one then stuck it back in my bag before grabbing my phone and walking downstairs.

I sat down at the small kitchen table that my parents had bought on a trip to London. I was debating on whether I should call Niall and tell him all about what happened. I wasn't sure if I should. He already has enough things to worry about without me adding onto his worries. He has concerts, signings and interviews to worry about.

I picked up my phone and decided it was the best thing to do at this point and he has the right to know. This is his kid I'm carrying.

I dialled Niall's number and listened quietly as it rung.

"Hello?" a familiar Irish accent said on the other line.

"Niall, I need to talk to you" I told him nervously as I chewed on a nail.

"Are you okay?" he asked with worry in his voice "Is something wrong love?"

I shook my head but knew he couldn't see me "Not really. it's just that....I told my mom."

it was quiet for a few seconds as he waited for me to continue.

"And how did she take it?" he asked.

I shook my head again "Not good. She kicked me out of my own home, can you believe that? I have nowhere to go Niall, what am I going to do? I'm scared"

"Okay, here's what we're gonna do love, I'm gonna come pick you up in fifteen minutes with your stuff and you're gonna come stay with me and my band for a little while, just until the baby's born. Then when it's born well find a house and well stay there. Okay? Everything will be just fine. Don't worry"

"Okay" I answered

"Okay, I'll be there in a bit. I love you princess"

I chuckled while a small tear dripped down my cheek "I love you too" I said then he hung up and I did the same.

I looked around the kitchen and stared at it one last time, remembering all the memories  I had made here. this house was filled with a lot of first. When I was born, my first word, my first time crawling, first time walking, first day of school, first date. Man I would miss this place. All there is left to do now was sit here and wait for Niall.


Here's the next chapter. I hope you liked it! I smile  the whole time i wrote this, especially the picture part.




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