Chapter Ten

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Niall had the Windows rolled down and his stereo cranked all the way up playing his midnight memories CD. From what was around us I couldn't exactly tell where we were. It seemed like we were in the middle of nowhere, all I could see was flat grass and the setting sun in the way back behind a cluster of trees. I was really excited to know where we were going, almost just as excited as a child on Christmas morning as the opened their presents one by one.

Niall held my hand as the song midnight memories  played, hi  thumb gently drumming on the back of my hand with his cool touch.

I looked up at him a  though he was the sky and watched him in amazement. I had absolutely no idea why I am so intrigued by this man, no idea whatsoever. All I do know was that he was gorgeous inside and out and I feel he belongs on the cove  of a sports magazine wearing a football uniform.

Niall noticed me staring and smiled at me quickly, my favorite smile he hadn't shown me in a while since  before the party. Me and him didn't really speak for a while after that, but eventually he forgave me and gave up his anger towards me.

"What?" he asked.

I blushed and smiled before looking down.

"Nothing. You just look great tonight" I said honestly"

He smirked  and pulled the car over into the side of rode and parked before turning towards me.

"Thank you love, you look pretty dang dashing yourself if I might say."

I smiled and looked out the side window as Niall go out and went to my side of the car.

"Where are we?"  asked as I got out of the car.

"We my love are going on a late night picnic".

He half a small basket in his right hand and held out his left arm for me to take in my own.

For awhile it seemed that we had been walking in circles but we eventually ended up in a tree shaded place with a lake one hundred feet away and cabnit nearby.

Niall layed out the picnic blanket and the food and layed down on the blanket pulling me down with him.

I giggled but soon rested into Niall's side and looked up at the sky.

"This is what you wanted to do? Have a picnic on near a lake and star watch?" I asked him

He lightly chuckled and gripped me tighter.

"Yes. I just thought you deserved this thought. me as well because of all the work I have completed this year and all the grammys and awards my band has won. We both deserve it"

I nodded in agreement "I agree. Niall?"

"Yes love?"

"What am I going to tell my parents?"

He sighed heavily before repositioning on the blanket.

"I don't know. But we'll figure something out won't we? we always do"

I nodded and for a while it was nothing but silence. This time it was safe to say that it was definatly like those deep comfortable silences from romance novels that you always hear about.


See? I told you I would update again today. it's a bit longer than the last, please excuse my bad grammar and mistakes. I was trying to keep my promise of updating. I wasn't going to but I already broke alot of promises I made. enough is enough. Anyways, here you go. let me know h

what you think and vote. another chapter will hopefully be up tomarrow if I have time. I have a choir concert and an ortho appointment I'm supposed to attend to so....Yeah. Lol. if not tomarrow then hopefully thursday

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