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Ok, so I thought it would be cool to do a contest for all the people that read my story. so here's what the contest is about. I would like you guys to make me a book cover for baby Niall Horan. I don't like the one I have and I don't know how to make one so...Yeah. Anyways when you're done making it send it to with your wattpad account name and your real name. I will look at all of them and choose which one I like the best. if you win I will dedicate the chapter to you that Niall's baby is born in "baby Niall Horan". I will also name the baby after you OR let you choose the gender and name. contest is lasting from June 21st 2013 to July 6th 2013' so send it in and you'll win this awesome prize! :-)

Baby Niall horanWhere stories live. Discover now