Chapter fifteen

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Just as Niall had promised, he showed up about 15 minutes later in his brand new red convertable he had gotten from a trip to mexico he recently went to. I grabbed my things off of the table and hopped into the car next to him, before kissing his cheek gently.

"Thanks for picking me up" i told him.

He just nodded and looked behind him as he backed out of the driveway and onto the road.

The car ride to Nialls house was quiet, but comfortable. Honestly i was really curious to see what Nialls house looked like. I hadnt ever been to his house before and was excited to finally get to see what it looked like.

Sooner or later we ended up at a medium sized house. It was beautiful. Freshly cut green grass, white wooden walls, blue roof and a shaded willow tree over in the corner with a tire swing hanging from it. I gasped at the beauty of the house before looking over at Niall who was smilig at me. He urged me to get out just as i was about to say something.

I hopped out of the car and immeadiently ran over to the tire swing and began to gently push myself forward with my foot.

"Niall, come push me!" i smiled.

He grinned and walked over to me before gripping my waiste and pushing me forward.

I laughed as he pushed mehigher and higher, he even laughed himself.

I stopped the swing with my foot and was about to get off, but Niall wrapped his arms around my waist and leaned his chin on my shoulder and kissed my cheek as i closed my eyes.

"I love you" he whispered.

I glanced at him and grinned "I love you too" i said.

He quickly let go of me and opened the house door and inside seemed pretty normal to me.  Surprisingly it didnt look like a house that a teenage heart throb would be living in.

There was white was, a 90 inch screen tv on the wall, white couches, a glass coffee table, light wooden floors and an open kitchen. In the kitchen there were whit counter tops filled with unwashed dishes and left over food, a black stove and whit fridge.

"Sorry about the mess" Niall apoligized.

I shook my head and smiled "It's okay, im just glad i have somewhere to stay for right now. Thank you for that"

"Youre always welcome love" he took hold of my hand before nodding towards the stairs "Wanna see my room?"

I nodded and followed him up the long flight of stairs before reaching the first door on the right at the topp of the hall.

Niall opened the door and i took a look inside.

Inside was a king sized bed with blue bedcovers, a computer over against the south wall and,,,a yellow crib over by the blue bed.

I looked at Niall and frowned "Why'd you buy the crib?" i asked.

He scratched the back of his head and sighed "I just thought i would get a crib sooner than later, it's a unisex color though so it doesnt matter what gender it is"

I smiled and nodded as i squeezed his hand tightly.

"Thank you Niall it means so much to me all the things you have done. You didnt have to do it but you did, and i'm grateful"

He leaned down and cupped my cheek in the palm of his hand and gently brushed his lips against mine. His lips moved slowly insync with mine as i started to close my eyes shut. We broke apart and he leaned his head against my forehead and looked me in the eyes, his crystal blue ones mezmorizing me.

"I did it all because i love you, and because i always will."

I grinned and nodded, then leaned my head in for one more kiss

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