The Childish Side/others

Start from the beginning

You were working on your lap top editing videos for Thomas and other YouTubers when this song came on and you just had to move and groove. Due to your friend teaching you some moves, you were pretty good! So you danced along with the song completely avoiding all of your surroundings. Logan only happened to walk in on you  dancing because he was looking for some papers. But his face was as red as a tomato, so he forgot about the papers, closed the door and walked down stairs. The best part, you didn't even notice!

(Use the dance or the first girl)
He just heard music from your room. Normally he wouldn't go in there because you listened to music when you got moody. But this time he felt the need to go in the room. You and your friend wanted to be able to both do the dance to this song so you were practicing. Near the beginning you heard the door open, you knew it was your boyfriend so your just continued like he wasn't there. Virgil saw the entire dance. He kinda... froze. That was until you turned to him and asked, "So, you like what you see?" And smirked.

It was your friends wedding and she asked if everyone could learn how to ball room dance so after a lot of YouTube tutorials and tips, you started to dance and this song came on. Roman could hear the beginning of the song and he smiled. He walked down stairs in the living room to see you dancing alone. So he joined you. You both danced for what seem like ever. It was a fairy tale.

You were in the kitchen baking cookies for everyone when you decided to play this song! So you baked and danced your heart out. Patton knowing the smell of cookies, went to the kitchen as fast as he could. He found you though, dancing to the song, using a mixer as a microphone. So he joined grabbing a cookie and singing into it, sometimes taking a bite out of it though.

2-Children(s) names/gender/age
(Bear with me on some things. I'm sorry if any of these are your name, and I just put for the last name as sanders for the sides because....yah)

You both had 3 kids. Two girls and one boy. The boy is 9, and his name is Jasper Matthew Sanders. He is the more adventurous one of them and has no fears. Then the two girls who are twins, identical, they are both 5 and the first girls name is Alexandra Martha Sanders and Alice Maggie Sanders. Alexandra and Alice do everything together and what do they do most? Read and write.

You guys had 2 kids. The first being a girl, her name is Grace Elliott Sanders and she is 7. This girl had her father wrapped around her finger. She wasn't bossy but when she wanted something, her father got it for her. The boys name is Peter Gage Sanders, and he is 6. Boy can I tell you, he knows everything about every kind of motorized vehicle. It's crazy.

You guys have 2 kid and they are both girls. The oldest, her name is Megan Ryhan Sanders, she is 8 and is just like you but acts like Virgil. But is so sweet. You both fell in love with her when you first saw her. The youngest is 1 and she is Maxine Athena Sanders, her favorite thing to do is draw... on the walls.

You guys had 4 kids. When he told you that he wanted a family, he wasn't kidding. But luckily it was even with 2 girls and 2 boys. The first girl is 10 and her name is Cameron Sophia Sanders. She was always the one in charge and always stayed on track. The next girl is the second youngest, Primrose Jeana Sanders, she is 6 and is the little princess of the family but isn't afraid of getting her hands dirty. The second oldest, Oliver James Sanders, he is 8 and is the quiet one, but when it comes to music, he has the most beautiful voice. Then the youngest is William Noah Sanders, he is the boldest of them all, and is only 4.

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