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I must say that I am working a lot so there will be more stories soon, buttttttttt I just checked how many people read my book and I found 50!!! 50!!! People have read my book and I am flipping out! Like I love it soooooooo I am posting a Halloween special I will come out soon like maybe round mid night. #nightowlproblems lolll. But I can't thank you guys enough like I am stoked🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉

Hope you all have a great Halloween my little marshmallows!

1-Your favorite thing to do when you both are bored

You guys like to go on walks in the park. It's relaxing and convenient, and it's fun to play a little eye spy or tag when you both are felling childish. You guys have even had a couple of dates there too! (With the help of the sides of course!)

  You both play video games, and I mean a LOT! Wether it be a lazy day, or you guys had some time to kill. It would be straight to the video games. You both play pc, Nintendo, wii, Xbox, PlayStation. All of the goods, and you both play any kind of game but mostly horror. (Virgil wont admit it, but he likes dating sims sometimes)

  You two both watch documentaries, (all though you want to watch cartoons but he won't let you). Logan's favorite kind of documentaries are about space, it amazes him what could be out there! If you had to pick a favorite kind it would probably be the ocean. (Sorry I kinda picked for you)

  Roman will take you to the mall. He love to pamper you and treat you like the queen you are! If he sees you looking at something, he will probably get it behind your back. But when you catch him you tell him to put it back and that you didn't need it. Then after along day of traveling the mall, you gets would head to the food court and eat. Then yet some pretzels!

  You both like to watch cartoons and bake cookies! It was the best thing for both of you because you liked to bake and he like cookies and cartoons. Sometimes if you are feeling extra jazzy, you make the cookies after something you see in the cartoon. One time you made Roses shield from Steven Universe!

Thomas Sanders/Sanders sides x ReaderTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang