My Five Hot Friends Are Fighting Over Me The Tom Boy - 14 - What I Don't Want To Go With You

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What I Don't Want To Go With You

I leave and ask for permission. They say yes he can come. I tell him this then w watch TV and talk. The nurse calls me telling my family is here. Giovanni lags behind me. Once I enter I see it's full of people. I don't know who is related to me or not. A bunch of people come closer to me. They all look happy. Three of them stay behind looking angry. I look behind me and Giovanni standing looking pale. I guessing they know. I start moving away from them backwards. They're looking at me weirdly for what I'm doing. I kept walking until I hit a hard body. When I turn I see that it is Giovanni. I hide behind him.

"Who are they." He turns around.

"They are your family and friends. I know most of them. The guy there in the red shirt with dark brown hair that looks angry he is your brother Mylon. The girl next to him is your cousin Mira and I don't know who the boy is but I think he is someone your dating because it seem he hates me too. Then from the guys the guy with the dirty blonde hair is Johnny. The guy with black hair and green shirt is Gabriel. The other one with black hair is Natt. The one that looks like a good boy with bleach blonde hair is Tom the one with light brown hair is Leo. I don't know who the girls are I guess you made other friends."

"Lynn why are you hiding behind him the man who did those things to you."

"I don't know what he did to me and I don't want to know the past is the past. I owe him my life because if it wasn't because of him I wouldn't be alive."

"How could you not know what he did.

He --."

"I don't want to know what he did. He has been miserable so I think he paid for what he did."

"Are seriously playing with me. You cried when you told me. You said he change and made you worst than them." The guy with strawberry blond hair said pointing at the guys Giovanni named.

"Look I don't know who any of you are but I made my decision. I don't want to know. If my memories come back than that is a different story."

"Ha ha ha very funny Lynn. You know who I am. What is my name." Mira says.

"I know your name but I don't recall ever meeting you. Giovanni told me who you were. He even tried doing the right thing and tell me what he did, but I didn't want listen to it."

"Your just playing with us right. Lynn."

"No. Didn't the doctor tell you. I have amnesia I can't remember anything. The only thing I remember is Giovanni's face, but that because it was the last thing I saw before I hit my head and because of some other reason."

"Tell us this isn't true. Please tell us you joking." I shake my head.

"I'm sorry but it is true. I really don't remember any of you. I know some of your names because Giovanni told me because if he hadn't I wouldn't even know who I am. You could ask the doctor also." They just looked at me until my doctor came.

"You must be her relative. Who is Mylon Barbosa ." The one in the red raise his hand. "I'm sorry about your sister. Her memories should return soon but I can't say it will come back though."

"So it is true she really did lose her memories. But he is he here."

"He saved her life and got hit by the car in the process. But if the car had hit her it could have killed her. She can leave today with you. But I wouldn't force her to remember everything. Let her learn it on her own. If she wants to know about something tell her but no forcing things. If she had a boyfriend. They are going to have to start from being strangers. All you need to do is fill out the paper and she can leave with you Mylon."

"Thank you doctor."

"I have to go with them, but I don't know them and don't want to leave with them. I want to stay with Giovanni."

"You have to go with them. They will help you remember."

"But I don't want to go with strangers. How would you feel if you didn't remember anything and you were just handed to a stranger. That you thought were mean."

"True but he is a stranger to."

"But I remembered his face. If they really that important to maybe it would have been their faces I remembered. Tell them Giovanni please tell them I'm right." He glances away from me.

"She does have a point, but how would you live."

"I could live with you. You told me you moved here with your sister."

"I can't you belong with your family. They would help you remember. I can't do that for you." He said showing no emotion in his ice blue eyes. . He still punishing himself. He thinks he doesn't deserve my forgiveness. Was it something that bad or dose he regret it so much. I felt dizzy, I felt my body feeling so heavy I closed my eyes just for some seconds then I could open them again and I fell into darkness.

My Five Hot Friends Are Fighting over Me, I Don't Like It Where stories live. Discover now