My Five Hot Friends Are Fighting Over Me - I Reveal My Life to the Devil, At Least He Cares

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I Reveal My Life to the Devil, At least He Cares

I lay on my bed crying tear. The pain I was in was awful. I remember everything. I wish I could forget it. The awful story of my life. I feel warm hands wrap around my waist. They pull me closer to a hard chest. He lays me on top of him. “It hurt you that much.” I shake my head.

“It the memories that come back with it. The memories it brings. I hate them. For a while I forget them but they always come back.” I sob more.

“What… happen. Please tell me.” I shake my head. “Please it might help if you told someone.”

“I already did. Mira knows.”

“Then please tell me. I might have been a jerk towards you but you can trust me. Please.” Just his voice made me crave in to his desire.

“The month my friends were angry at me. People just decided to hate me. It wasn’t my friends fault it really was my own fault. Nicole had been dating my brother’s best friend. But she liked my brother and the other way around. I was alone all day. I really never came out those weeks. One day my brothers was out of the house and his ex best friend came over. He said he wanted to talk to me. He wanted to apologize for making people make my life hell. He asked me to come in. I was stupid and naïve and let him in. I was drinking soda and he ask me for some. I got him some and when I came he was smirking. I asked him why. And he said because he thought I was pretty. I drank some soda after a while I was dizzy not able to pay much attention. I was weak and couldn’t do anything about him. Then he got on me. That pig started kissing me and then… and then… and then he raped me.” I said the last parts in a whisper. “Mira was the one to find me.” I had tear in my eyes. He pressed me closer to him. “That is why I hang with the guys. They take care of me. They protect me from guy like him. They don’t know what happen to me. All they know is that I changed in that month. That became worst then them.”

“I’m sorry. I wouldn’t have made you tell me if I --.”

“Forget it. I do feel better. I feel protected when I’m with you. I don’t know why but I do.” I yawn and snuggle against his chest.

“Good to know.” I was tired I was falling asleep. I heard something. “I will never hurt you.” The last part sound muffled because I couldn’t figure out what he said. “Bivcoz I lorl u.” I think he said because I love you but I’m really not sure.

I wake up to Johnny jumping on my bed. “What the fuck. I was sleeping.” I heard Jake say.

“Well too bad. Lynn we need to talk now.” I look at Jake. His red curly hair was all messy. But he looked super hot. I hear him mumble about a dream he had and in it I was stripping for him. “Your girl friends are driving me insane. Then there are the res of the hells.”

“They turned gay and now want you. Yessssss. I’m free.”

“No. They keep calling me because you didn’t pick up the phone.”

“Maybe if I wait longer enough. They might get horny call one of their hoes fuck them and forget about me.”

“In your dreams. But then there is Tom. He is drinking because he thinks Gloria hate him. I asked him if he asked her out. He said he was scared.”

“More problems I have to solve let get to this.”

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