CH.03: 10 Minutes

Start from the beginning

I keep zoning in and out of the conversation because I really want to look for Kyungsoo but I don't want to upset Taemin.



Why am I here?

I should be at the hospital.

I'm limping to the bench by the stairs, it leads upstairs where my locker is. It had to fucking be on the fucking third floor.
Like that matters. Most of my classes are on the third floor anyway.

Why am I limping, you may ask?

I got into a car accident two weeks ago. I was with my older, Kyuhyun, and his best friend, Changmin.

I hang out with them when I'm not with my group of friends.

We were heading to Changmin's house, after going to the movies, to play his new video game.

Yes, all three of us are single.

Unlike Changmin's little brother, Minseok, he had joined us to see the movie with his boyfriend, Jongdae.
After the movie, they separated from us and went to Jongdae's house.

They were the lucky ones.

As we headed over. Changmin was driving. I was in the front since I called shotgun. Kyuhyun was in the backseat behind Changmin.

Out of nowhere a car going really fast crosses a red light and hits Changmin's car.

I ended up with a sprained ankle, it's ok now, still limping though.

Changmin broke a rib so he's not so good just yet.

But my brother, Kyuhyun....... Unfortunately, he got the short end of the stick.

He got it the worst.
He had a concussion.
Now he's in a coma.

My last days before school started I've been by his side.
Changmin, Minseok, and other friends of Kyuhyun have visited a couple of times.

My parents are still on a business trip so they haven't seen either of us since May as they'd care anyway. I called them right away when I was finally able to see Kyuhyun, they told me they would call me back the next day. But it's been two weeks now.

They're never around when matters; Holidays, Birthdays, emergencies....... nowhere to be found.
It has always just been Kyuhyun and me.

Then when I was in 4th grade and my brother was in 7th grade, he met Changmin. They've been close since then.

I'll admit, I was first jealous of Changmin but then they would let me go out with them and I now consider Changmin as a second brother.

Minseok hangs out with us too and he's cool and all, but we tend to fight a lot. Even though our personalities are very different, and we even hang out with different people on school grounds; we always bond over My Little Pony.

But if anyone in school asks, I'll deny it. Minseok knows this, so you can say it's our little secret.

I finally get up from the bench and head upstairs. I'm on the second floor when suddenly someone coming downstairs falls on top of me.


The person rolls to my side the second we both land on the floor.
I groan in pain.
I look to my left and see it was a guy.


I get up while he sits up and gets on his knees; gathering his belongings because his messenger bag had opened and scattered his binder, papers, pencils, and pens.

I yell at him as he muttering to himself.
He looks up to me, his eyes look right into mine and...

I can't move
I can feel my heart racing.

He says something to me with the cutest smile I have ever seen.

He looks back down to his binder putting lined paper neatly inside.
I come back to my senses and decide to help the guy with the cute smile.

I begin putting in his pens and pencils in his pencil case.

"I-I'm sorry...... I sh-shouldn't have yelled at you..... Here." I hand him his pencil case.


He grabs his case and stuffs it inside his bag.

"No, you were right. I need to be careful. Are you ok?"

"Yeah don't worry about. I'm Minho what's your-"

"I'm so sorry Minho" Wow he even says my name so cute " I'm in a rush and I can't find room 311, Please excuse me."
He begins to walk away at a fast pace so I yell at him.

He turns around, blushing.

Wow, he's beyond cute when he's embarrassed.

"Thank you Minho" Ask what his name is.

Say something. Don't let him leave. Follow him, you were going upstairs anyway.

He passes by me to go back upstairs.
I just stood there. Admiring the features of his beautiful face.


As you can see from my username, I am SHINee trash so yes. SHINee will be part of this ff.

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