Chapter 16

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Aboveart by Black_Nyanko on Tumblr. So, this is where I estimated the book to end. Chapter 6 is when I said just 10 more chapters and the book will end. Yeah, no. Enjoy the chapter. Mild to strong themes. Suicide and/or depression talk is present.

"I do love very much." Reaper whispered, in a way not to scare the little skele before him. Geno looked at him dead in the eye.

"You mean it?"
"With all my heart."

The two exchanged smiles and didn't take their eyes of one another. Until, Geno looked away, this universe still getting to him.

"What's wrong?" Reaper asked, genuinely concerned. Geno looked down at the pure white ground, his depression clearing his thoughts.

He looked up, smiled and shook his head.
"Its nothing." Geno whispered. Reaper furrowed his 'brow' and frowned.
"You're lying." He replied bluntly. Geno looked up.
"No I'm not!" Geno snapped, clutching his fists together.
"Oh please, that's the fakest smile I've seen you pull off. Geno, tell me whats wrong? What is this universe doing to you?" He asked. Geno avoided Reapers gaze.
"I don't know." Was all he could reply.

He didn't know what ErrorTale was exactly doing to him, all he knows is that ever since Nightmare had chucked them in here, he hadn't been doing so hot.  Sure, back in his other timeline, he wasn't exactly 'mentally healthy' but ever since that business with Frisk he had been feeling worse. This universe was just multiplying it.

Hell, at least in the SAVE Screen there was nothing around for Geno to do anything with. Recently though, with the whole Nightmare situation and all,  Geno had access to thing that wasn't technically good for his health.

Nightmare kept knifes and other assortments around. He was tied up, so he couldn't walk around to grab anything himself, but when Nightmare had once left a knife within Geno's reach, he took the chance. Grabbing it with his legs and shoving it his mouth. 

Swiftly he cut at his leg, his face wincing a bit, otherwise letting him rest. He continued this for hours, by now his legs were covered in cuts. Some deep and some of just scraping at his bone.

Eventually, Nightmare walked back into where he was located. All Geno could hear was a loud growl, some stomping and then a loud slap. He had swung his hand to hit Geno across the face.

"The Fuck are you doing!?" He would scream. Geno would ignore it. He chuckled, rubbing at his 'thighs' Reaper would never know. Geno winced slightly as his fingers traced the individual cuts and scars.

"Geno?" Reaper whispered, poking his face in front of the others. Geno jumped back a bit, starting to slightly see stars from the god being so close.

"Yeah?" He asked back. Reapers face dropped a bit.
"You winced, like you were in pain. Is something wrong?" Geno shook his head, lying once again. Reaper was reluctant, but believed him.

Hours had passed and Geno was losing his sanity. Reaper was incapable of helping him. He somehow hadn't been affected by this universe, but hell Geno was. Reaper looked over to see the little thing curled into a ball, uttering little nothings to himself.

Reaper gripped tightly at his wrists, trying to calm himself down. Geno had been crying, screaming, even clawing at himself and Reaper couldn't do anything about it.

Moments later a warping noise sounded throughout the empty space. Both of their heads perked up, non-existent ears burning to that sound. Footsteps. They heard footsteps! Someone was here, maybe they could-

"Tch. SeEmS lIkE hE wAsN't LyInG wHeN hE sAiD hE dRoPpEd OfF sOmE pEsTs." Geno jumped at the voice. He hadn't heard it in years. Slowly, Geno looked up and met eye to eye with the skeleton who had made his life hell. Other than frisk of course.

"Error?" Both Reaper and Geno asked in Unison.  The glitch loomed over them and chuckled, a sickening grin crawling across his face.

"Yes?" He seemed amused, yet somehow annoyed. Geno sat up, despite his splitting head ache telling him to fall back down.

"Why are we here!?" Geno demanded. Error frowned.
"ThE hElL i KnOw. YoU cAn JuSt LeAvE fOr AlL i CaRe. YoU wOuLd JuSt BuG mE. NiGhTmArE iS gEtTiNg On My NeRvEs AnyWaY."

Geno cracked a small smile, it disappearing quickly.
"You're being to kind." He frowned.
Error seemed to tick at that statement.

"I cAn KeEp YoU hErE." He grunted, opening a portal out of the place. Geno immediately jumped up and ran out, Reaper following close behind, not wanting to leave the small skeleton alone.

They had appeared back in the SAVE screen, Geno already trembling from the memories the place brung. Reaper made a little 'tsk' sound and opened up another portal.

"You're not staying here. Not again. You're coming with me, back to my place." He spoke walking through the portal and ushering Geno through.

Immediately Geno knew this wasn't Reapers house. It looked dusty, old and barren. Yet, he shrugged. It was better than the SAVE screen on many ways.

"Thank you, Reaper."

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