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"I knew when I met you an adventure was going to happen."_Winnie the Pooh

"Ms. Blair, Ms. Blair," a voice called out to me, "Ms. Blair!!!"

"Huh? Yes?" I was brought out of my reverie, flipping my red hair over my shoulder, my eyes wandering back to reality, realizing I was still in class. I guess the teacher was going to make me do something in front of the class, but the bell saved me. Even though I would have aced anything my teacher asked me, after all, I was in math.

I was thinking of the guy that I bumped into me this morning. I couldn't get him out of my mind, which is weird since many boys ask me out for lunch, but I've never seen him around before, and I know many people at this school.

My body had a shock of pain as I fell to the ground. I looked up at a boy with glittery forest green eyes, a smile so charming any girl (besides me) would fall for, with his dark golden brown hair in a smart style cut, complimenting his whole look. His hand was out as I just sat on the ground looking at him."Hello?" he waved his hand in front of my face, snapping me out of my trance. He held his hand out of me again and I took it, pulling myself off the ground with his help. "Sorry. Umm... How about to make up for this, you wanna have lunch together?"

I just looked up at him and nodded.

"Cool, see you later!" he gave me a flashy smile and left me standing there in confusion.

I guess I'm having lunch with him now. I sighed wondering what I got myself into. The time went on, and I went on with my usual day, I hung out a bit with friends who I wasn't really at all close too and class went by with the teachers praising my intelligence. After all, I studied a lot, of course, I would be with the squad on some of the weekends, but they were nerds too and studied over the weekends. I was an only child, so no one could bother me.

I could say I was popular because of all the friends I have, I mean I know everybody possible in sophomore, junior (my grade), and senior. Plus those witchy, mean, popular girls that glare at me because of my natural beauty (those weren't my words, those were the words of the girls I hang out with). I mean I'm a natural redhead, I didn't dye this beautiful soft copper red.

On my way to lunch, I heard a bunch of girls gossiping about a new boy that started here and was super hot, I just ignored it because a lot of people started school here that is the freshman. After I bought my lunch, I scanned my eyes around to see if that boy I met this morning was around. He wasn't there, like usual, I thought, people do that to me sometimes, stand me up after inviting me, without even noticing. No matter how many friends I have, I don't really have anyone who would stick with me through thick or thin.

I started walking towards the exit of the cafeteria to go to the outside courtyard. No one eats there because of the lack of tables, and by lack I mean two picnic tables sitting side by side, so I get the whole garden to myself. It's not that bad, it's a great place for me to belt out my singing, or read a book in peace.

Once again I heard the girly gossip of that new boy, like "Have you seen the newbie?" or "I hear he's a transfer," or something like that, I didn't care until I heard "He's coming this way *squeal*!!!"

I gave a slight glance behind me, but couldn't see anyone, so I continued on my way. Just before I reached the exit, someone grabbed my arm making me almost drop my food.

I started grumbling loudly, cursing that there would have been wasted food because of that person, then I turned to see the boy that I saw in the morning.

"You!" I stuttered, quite surprised he came. This time I got to get a better look at him, he wore a plaid long sleeve, jeans, and I saw a silver chain around his neck.

"Yeah, I thought we were going to have lunch?" he smiled embarrassed, as he scratched the back of his head.

"O-oh yeah, sorry. I thought you weren't coming," I looked down, to hide a small blush of embarrassment.

"You still want to eat together?" the guy asked.

"S-sure. I don't usually eat here, why don't you come with me?" he gave me that pearly white smile that other girls would die for and followed me out.

We reached the school's back courtyard, settling down on the tables. It was kind of awkward, we were just eating the whole time. By the end of our lunch, he finally spoke up, tried to break the ice. Which should be hard, I feel like there's a foot of ice between us.

"By the way, my name is Jaden Ayers," he showed me his hand and I took it.

"Sterlling Blair."

"Sterlling. Sounds like Starlling."

I giggled at the comment, "I guess it does, doesn't it?"

"That's a pretty name don't you think Star?" I looked at him in confusion, "Do you mind if I call you that? Star?"

"I guess not," he frowned, "I m-mean, y-you can call me Star," I stuttered in embarrassment. He flashed a smile at me and reassured me it was okay. Before I could talk to Jaden some more the bell rang and we sent each other goodbyes and left for class. My meeting with him kind of makes me wonder how I became friends with everyone. Seriously, if I were a freshman, my title would be "The Introvert".

The day passed by, I caught mere glimpses of Jaden in the halls. It was kind of weird, but funny since he always waved and smiled at me.

By the end of the day, I was ready to go home, peacefully and quietly, but of course, someone wouldn't let me have that. My thoughts on Jaden were still a bit blurry, but I could tell he wasn't like others. He didn't come up to flirt, he actually remembered me, and he sort of reminds me of someone.

I saw a speeding Jaden coming straight for me. "Hey! Star! Wait up!"

As soon as he came up to me, I glared at him for intruding my peace, "What do you want Jade?"

He put his hands up in defense, "Whoa, Star why you gotta be so mean? You were nicer earlier. And what's with the nickname?"

I looked somewhere else, while my cheeks heated up, and I started fiddling with my fingers. "You don't mind, do you?"

Jaden moved to where I was looking, "I don't, but why is it so girly?"

I grabbed his collar, lowering his face to mine, and I went all Satan Soul on him, "You got a problem with that!"

Jaden shrunk back into his shirt, with a terrified look on his face, "N-No, I don't." And I'm pretty sure I heard him mutter, "Anger issues."

I let go of his collar and looked directly into his eyes to make sure with a piercing gaze. "So what do you want?"

"Well, you see, I wanted to walk you home or ask if we could somewhere together. Cuz you know we're friends. But I guess you don't want to..."

Jaden was about to walk away, but I grabbed on to his arm, my very dark aura leaving in an instant. "Um, actually, I do want to...could we hang out?"

Jaden's eyes light up, he grabbed my arm and dragged me out of the school campus, running the whole way, but we ended up stopping two blocks away from school.

"Where do you live again?" a clueless Jaden asked me.

I just burst out laughing, "You know I take the bus home."

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