"No!  It's abuse. And inhumane, Brad!  They're breaking the law as well . . . by turning her over to that monster! So what can you do right now?"

"I'm in my car, Crissa. On my way to the police department. But you have to know, anything I reported to the university about Dekker . . . was useless!  They think I'm totally . . ."

"I know, Brad. Julie told me."

"Look . . . I've got to go! I'll call you in a while . . ."

"Yes. Please, Brad. Call me!"

* * *

Several hours later that evening, when Crissa's phone rang, she was in her room anxiously awaiting Brad's call. She was also trying to ignore a loud argument Trisha was having on her own phone with Robby in San Diego.

"Brad?  Tell me!  What's happened?"  She quickly ran into the bathroom to hear more clearly.

"God Crissa! It's being covered all over the news up here . . ."

"What is?  What happened?"

"About an hour ago . . . Dekker was found in his lab . . . in critical condition!  They're saying he was . . . mauled.  Attacked by a wolf!  His throat was ripped out, Crissa! And from the bloody print marks on the floor, the police are certain it was an animal attack. The local news is covering all this . . . live  right now . . ."

"Jesus, Brad. And  . . . what are you hearing?"

"They're reporting several students saw the wolf run out of the building. A lone gray wolf they said . . ."

"What is this, Brad?  Both Julie and David have at least five or six days left before . . . before they'll . . . before they . . ."

"Yeah, I know. I'm keeping track of that."

"So . . . what do you think?  It was a local wolf?"

"Possible. But not probable, Crissa. They're saying it was an animal the professor had in his lab. Both the university here and Royal Canadian Mounted Police are investigating it definately as a wolf attack.


"So . . . Where is David, Crissa?"

"He's out at sea. On a boat. It's a new job he's taken on."

"What?  Are you certain he's . . . that he'll be . . ."

"Yeah. I saw him off, in the early morning. Four days ago."

"So had you heard anything at all  from Julie?"


"God . . . I'm really afraid . . . afraid that it was  her, Crissa. She told me once she could kill the professor."

"I heard those same words from her, Brad."

"Wait . . . They're now reporting Dekker is in critical condition. The RCMP is doing a total forensics workup on this, they say."

"Brad?  I just don't know what to say to you . . . I'm feeling . . ."

"Crissa. Do you realize what this means . . . if it was Julie who did this . . . as a wolf?"

"Yes. That the . . . change . . . the mutation . . . is not only linked to the moon! That it could happen . . . anytime!  Under stress . . . or anger."

"We know animals can be unpredictable like that, Crissa . . . super vicious when threatened."

"Julie obviously was. And in the worst way."

"God.  It's all . . . just so . . ."

"Fitting,  Brad. Julie told me, too, she could kill him. And I really believed she meant it."

"Have you spoken to David since he left . . . on the boat?"

"Yes, Just once. But he told me they'd be in a remote area for a few days while hauling crab traps. Off the Alaskan coast. With no satellite signal."

"Christ, Crissa. There's only six d more ays left for him!  And the moon will be up . . . full and powerful again!  Are you sure he'll be back by then? . . . to hide in the cabin?"

"I'm hoping with all my heart he will be, Brad. But now there's other things to worry about . . . Julie. She obviously will be a suspect in all of this . . . if not a person of interest."

"That is, if they ever find her, Crissa!"

"Yes. And in which ever form she's in . . . girl or wolf." 

*  *   *    

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