“Hey, Becky. Are you alright?” the person tries to touch my arm but I slap it away.

“Don’t touch me.” I say through clenched teeth.

“Listen, what you heard back there-”

“Shut up, Austin.” I say quickly, “You and I know exactly the type of guy Justin is. I knew it right when I saw him class. I didn’t even want to be there. I just did it for Tia.” I confess.

“Why are friends with her?”

“She’s nice and she’s an honest friend.”

“We’re your friends too.”

“I’d rather have one honest friend than a lot of friends that go behind my back.” I get up.

“Why don’t you just come back. Justin’s really upset.”

“Really?” I ask with fake concern.

“Yeah, really.”

“Good.” I say and walk away from him. He follows me.

“What now?” I ask turning around. He sighs loudly.

“Look, you seem like a nice girl, Becky.” he starts. I tap my foot impatiently.

“We”, he gestures to both of us with his hands, “Can still be friends, right?” He asks me. I look at the ground.

“You’re not like Justin, right? I mean, if I’m friends with you. You’re not going to hurt me, are you?” I ask him seriously.

“No. I wouldn’t pull that shit, okay?” I nod.

“I guess we can be friends. But, Tia’ll kill me if she finds out.” I tell him.

“You shouldn’t let her control you.” He says, I laugh.

“And your friends don’t control you?” I say with my arms crossed.

“Th-they don’t.” He looks off nervously.

“Tell me ‘Austy’ Why were you the one that had to pick me up when Justin didn’t.” I say. Austin connects with my eyes and I quirk my eyebrows up waiting for him to respond.

“I-I” he stutters, he looks at the ground clearly embarrassed.

“Austin.” I flop my arms to my side. I walk up to him and hug him tightly, I pull back and look at him, his eyes are glossy. “What happened that made you like this?” I look up to search his eyes.

“Can we talk somewhere else?” he asks trying to hide the fact that he’s crying by rubbing his eyes. I nod. We get into his car and drive off.

Austin’s POV

I can’t believe this shit. 

Two years. 

Two damn years.

And one girl comes along and finally asks.

I pull up to the driveway if my house and I pull the keys out of the ignition and look at Becky.

“Let’s go.” I say. She unbuckles her seatbelt and hops out. 

Like, literally hops. 

She’s so fucking cute. She has to hop out of the truck.

You have a girlfriend Austin.

Think of Brit. 

Think of Brit.

I find myself in front of my room. Before I open the door I look back at Becky.

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