06.21 - Rivera Lukas

Start from the beginning

Speechless - the host did not know how to respond.

"You don't mind it?" The host asked with disbelief.

For a woman to have a mark on her face, wouldn't she feel grief? The truth of the matter was, the old Maxie Luther had not only felt grief, but she was tormented by it. But the soul within Maxie was different. Although the current Maxie have a preference for beauty, she cared more about herself. If it was too much trouble for her to remove the birthmark, she rather lives with it. If beauty was too troublesome, she would rather be ugly. Whatever brings her the most benefit, the soul within Maxie would choose that route.

"Surely with such position, you must care about the public opinion"

In other words, Maxie Luther's status in society and CEO position as one of the world's most powerful company, the public will judge her move and action - even her appearance will be judged.

"Why would I care about that?" Maxie laughed. "My job doesn't require me to be a supermodel. I run the company with my brain not my face"

The host felt a whole new level of respect for the woman sitting beside her.In the world where outward beauty is important, sometime people fail to recognize inner beauty.

"Besides, the only opinion I care about is from my little brother"

"Little brother?" The host was startled at the mention of Maxie Luther's brother.

From her sources, Maxie Luther was an only child who was raised by her grandmother. She didn't have any siblings, just cousins and half-cousins.

"Blaze" Maxie's eyes suddenly went to the video camera, speaking directly to the public viewers. "You see anything wrong with my face?"

Still standing in the middle of his university dining hall, Blaze grinned as he looked at Maxie on the large television screen. Not only Blaze Jager was watching, the entire world was watching.

"No" Blaze answered even though Maxie could not hear him.

"Am I beautiful?" Maxie smiled confidently, flashing her set of deep dimples.

"Yeah" Blaze answered with a laugh.

The crowded dining hall was silent as they watched the tall, gorgeous Blaze Jager while he answered Maxie Luther's questions proudly.

"See, my little brother thinks I'm beautiful" Maxie turned to the host.

"How do you even know his answers?" The host asked wryly.

"He doesn't dare to answer differently" Maxie grinned. "He'll know I'll beat the crap out of him"

"What?" The host laughed at Maxie's playful manner. "That's unreasonable"

"It's my right as the older sister" Maxie smirked. "Don't pretend to me coy with me Kristen. I know your younger sister Erika. She tells me how you_"

"Stop" The host quickly pleaded with a red face. "I give up. I give up. Let me off this once Maxie"

Maxie's light laughter let the host know that the woman was letting her off easy. Feeling relieved, the host smiled. And while the interview continued on,Blaze sat back down forgetting all about Dustin's previous provoking.

"Your sister really is amazing" With astonishment, Sophie Solis continued to watch Maxie laughing and talking to the host."Do... Do you think she'll like me?"

Blaze chuckled as he patted Sophie's back to ease her nervousness. The male and female leads met a few months ago and just recently begun dating. Blaze had mentioned his new girlfriend to Maxie and had told her in advance that he'll be taking Sophie home to visit her during the upcoming summer break. The female lead was quickly falling in love with Blaze and so nervous to meet the man's family - especially Maxie whom Blaze respected the most.

"Lukas? Oi Lukas"

From the very start, Lukas Rivera was sitting quietly among the group with the slim white laptop before him. Like always, the handsome man had been focus on the series of numbers on the laptop screen until Maxie appeared on television. Normally the stoic, cold man would never lift his eyes from his laptop, but unconsciously, he gazed up at the screen at the sound of Maxie's voice. No one seems to notice the intensity of his gaze and before anyone could, Lukas Rivera already stood with his closed laptop under his arm.

"Where are you going Lukas?" One of the girls at the table asked with disappointment.

The indecipherable man did not bother to respond while he walked away leaving a trail of skipping and blushing hearts.

"Is it me or Lukas seem annoyed?" One of the girls asked the group.

Aside from the female lead who was focus with the male lead, the other girls at the table sighed out their disappointed at the handsome man departure.

"The noise probably disturb his focus is all" One of the guys commented.

The group nodded with agreement since they know Lukas Rivera had always preferred a quiet setting. On the other hand, Blaze felt differently. The protagonist grew up with the second male lead and so had better sense of the man's mood. And his intuition told him Lukas Rivera's sudden change in mood was due to Maxie's sudden appearance on television. What Blaze didn't understand was why?

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