06.17 - Rivera Lukas

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When Maxie entered the principal's office, the scene was déjà vu. In the spacious office, the principal was facing a group of angry mothers demanding that Blaze Jager to be expelled from school. Blaze Jager with his face all bruised up was cold and silent, while three other boys stood across from him with smirks on their faces. One of the mothers was crying profusely, threatening to sue the school and Blaze for causing her son enough injuries to lay in the hospital for days. The principal naturally tried to appease the group of mothers and asked that everyone waited for Blaze Jager's guardian arrival.

"What guardian?" One of the boy's sneered. "Everyone knows he's an orphan."

"What are you saying?" Another boy chuckled coldly. "He's a Jager. Maybe his grandfather would come save him"

They all silently laughed because the whole world knew how cold and heartless Cain Jager was. If the old man was informed of the matter, he'll probably disowned his grandson for causing such trouble. The boys all scoffed at Blaze - deliberately angering him more. And Blaze would have lunged at them if Maxie's sudden laughter brought everyone attention to her.

"It seems like I missed the party" Maxie walked to one of the lounge chair and take a seat. "Can I get some coffee?"

While Maxie seated with her legs crossed, her two secretaries stood directly behind her. Everyone was stunned at the woman's indifferent manner. It took a moment before the mothers snapped out of their stupor and all four older women attacked Maxie with all sorts of insults. Bored with the same strings of insult, Maxie took out her IPhone and begin to play games on it. When the women realized Maxie was on the phone playing games while they were scolding, they all became speechless.

"You horrible woman" The woman with her son in the hospital cried. "My son is still in the hospital yet you sit there and act like_"

"When are they coming?" Maxie ignored everyone while focusing on the name.

"Anytime now Ms. Luther" Mr. Durbar answered with a light chuckle.

And sure enough, four men suddenly rushed in the principal office. Instead of their wives and sons, the men's eyes went straight to Maxie who was still focusing on her cell phone. Instantly, the group of older men head over to Maxie and begin to apologize for all the trouble their sons and wives had caused. The group of women paled seeing their husbands practically groveling. Meanwhile, the boys were completely shocked to see their fathers deferring to the much younger woman. Maxie, on the other hand, continued to play on her phone until it game-over.

"Awe, I was so close" Maxie sighed before putting her phone back in her pocket.

The room was silent while Maxie finally lifted her eyes to give an unreadable smile to the group of men all wearing business suits. Each men were high powered executives - two of the four worked for Jager Corp.

"Oh, everyone finally made it" Maxie leaned back with an elbow prompt on the arm chair while setting her chin against the back of her hand. "Principal Adams, why don't you tell us what happen?"

As if the women's words never entered Maxie's ears, she looked at the principal who nervously begin to explain the incident. But before the old man get to speak, of the men spoke with a forced smile - telling Maxie that the incident was not worth wasting anyone time. Boys will be boys - it was normal for high school boys to get into fights. The woman who had been crying because of her son's hospitalization went to her husband with dissatisfaction, asking him how he could let go of the incident when their son was hurt. But before her husband could shut her up, Maxie's cold giggled caused everyone to shiver.

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