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Yoongi's P.O.V.

I laugh. "Jin gave me a free cinnamon roll to bring home to you, but I got hungry..." Jimin gasped. "You did not just eat my cinnamon roll."  He looks furious.
      I breathe in, "I'm kidding Jiminie." I pull a cinnamon roll out of my backpack and hand it to him. His eyes sparkle. He takes a small bite of it and I kiss his cheek.
      I walk towards the living room and say, "You're welcome."
      "Thank you, Yoongi~"

      "So, what's for dinner?"
      Jimin sighs. "I haven't went shopping yet. Can't we just eat out?"
I nod. "I wouldn't want to stress out my wife."
       Jimin furrows his eyebrows "Excuse me?"
I laugh and even though Jimin is acting mad, he holds back a smile. I head upstairs to change my clothes and Jimin waits for me in the living room.
I don't know how I managed to earn this. Jimin is the most perfect boyfriend I could ask for. Maybe all of my good deeds finally payed off. I mean, it's not like I did that that many good deeds, but it must've been enough.
I've never been happier in my life since I've been with Jimin. He's the only one that can shatter my confident personality. He's the only one that can make my heart beat so fast that it feels like it might burst. I've thought I was in love before, but it's never been anything like what we have. It's like we truly are destined to be together. I never want to let my Mochi go. I want him to be with me forever, to only be mine.
      I can't think straight around him.

      Jimin takes me to a nice restaurant. I can't help but admire the beauty sitting in front of me the whole night. At some points, I smile to myself for no apparent reason. I just can't believe how lucky I am.
      "how can you be so perfect, Jiminie." It was more of a statement than a question. Jimin doesn't reply, but he blushes a deep red and continues eating.
Our server walks up to us. "Sorry if this seems like a weird question..." jimin and I look up at her and she continues. "Are you two by chance, a couple?"
Jimin and I both smile and nod. "Aaawee. You two are so cute.Anyways, I was hoping you could pose for a picture for me. It's for the restaurant's website. It won't take long."
"That's fine."
She lifts up the camera slinged around her neck and pulls it to her face. "Smile!"
We both face the camera and wait for the flash. "Thank you so much!" She said, cheerfully and walked off.
Jimin and I walk home, as usual. It's a much quieter night and we can almost hear the footsteps of our stalker. Jimin looks over at me worried, hoping that I noticed it too. I nod. We speed walk back.
      "Yoongi, who do you think is following us?"
      "I don't know," I hug him. "But whatever happens Jiminie, I will keep you safe."
      "Y-you don't have t-" before he can finish, I cover his mouth. I do have to, Jiminie. Because if I were to let something happen to you, I could never forgive myself.

I wake up in the morning to the sound of my alarm. As always, Jimin is awake too. "Good morning, Jiminie."
"Yoongi do you have to work today?"
"Yes, why?"
"Because it's boring without you." He pouts.
"Then why don't you come with me?"

2 More chapters.... RunaTheDino

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