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Jimin's P.O.V.

      Tae doesn't call us out for dinner. Neither does Hoseok or Namjoon, they all fell asleep, as far as we know.
      My shirt- I mean, Yoongi's shirt that I'm wearing, is stained with his tears. He wouldn't let me see his face while he was crying. He was embarrassed. "I'm sorry, Jimin..."
      "Don't be sorry. It's okay to cry, Yoongi."
      "But I don't want you to think I'm weak," he pushes me back by my shoulders and stares directly into my eyes. "If I told you I loved you, would it really mean anything to you?"  My heart skips a beat at his question. "Yoongi...."
       "Never mind, I'm sorry, again. I just feel so vulnerable right now... I can't believe I cried in front of you. I'm such a fucking idiot."
You're not an idiot.
      I think I love you back.
      Love seems like a very strong word, but it's the only thing I can think of to describe my feelings towards you.
      I shake my head at him. "You're not."
      "I am." He pushes me farther away this time. He lays down on his side facing away from me and covers all but his eyes with the blanket. I climb onto his bed and lay behind him, wrapping my arm around his waist.  What am I doing!?
      "Jiminie, what are you doing?"
      "It just feels right," I whisper, barely audible. Yoongi didn't really hear me, so he didn't reply.

Yoongi's P.O.V.

I wanted to ask Jimin what he said, but I was already drifting back to sleep. I didn't want to go to sleep, though. I was afraid I would be alone, yet again.
I was.
"Jiminie, please, you promised..." I wanted to cry but no tears would come out. The world around me got darker and the atmosphere was unwelcoming. I was alone. It was the worst feeling to be alone, but I knew there really is nothing I can do about it. I sat on the ground and shoved my face into my knees.
     It seemed like hours before the loneliness faded. "Yoongi? Are you okay?" I look up nand see Jiminie. I don't hesitate to stand up and give him a hug. "I thought you left me."
He runs his fingers through my hair. "I would never break a promise."

Taehyung's P.O.V.

      Right around now is the time that I would go get Jimin and Yoongs for dinner, but Namjoon left. He said that he wanted to find Jin, to apologize. He still hasn't gotten back, so no one has eaten. Hoseok lays in my bed since he doesn't want to be alone.
      "TaeTae, do you think they hate us?" He asks in his cute voice.
      "Well, I know Yoongi does. He always has." My voice lowers at the end of my sentence.
      "I know..." he pauses and kisses my cheek.  "Maybe we could change that."
"Hobi, does this mean you accepted my confession?" I change the subject.
He shakes his head, which causes a knot to form in my chest.
"It's just so soon. My mom died almost two weeks ago-" I cut him off, "But they killed him, he won't be hurting anyone anymore!"
      "That's not the point!" He snaps back.
I feel so stupid. I shouldn't have ever said anything. I lay down and roll over to face away from Hoseok. I drift off to sleep.
I see Yoongi and Jimin holding hugging. They're holding each other like their lives depend on it. I wish I could be like this with Hobi.
       I know they aren't 'officially' together, but they pretty much act like it. They even kissed, for God's sake. Even if it was just in their dreams and it's a different type of reality, it still is a reality.
       They've realized that it's not a coincidence, and that they're actually together in their dreams. What they don't know, is that I'm a part of these dreams too.
      I didn't want to interfere with their fate. I know I shouldn't be here, watching them every night, but I can't help it. I want everything to be perfect between them. At the beginning of my dream, I have to choose whether to go right or left. Left, leading to Yoongi and Jimin, is the one I always pick.
      I know that I come off as a bad person. I'm a gang leader, for fucks sake. But I have good intentions. I may have been bit psychotic in My past, but I've changed. I don't really want Yoongi here because of the promise, I want him to be with Jimin. I knew they were meant to end up together in some way. I just sped up the process.
      Though I want the best for the two of them, I also want the best for Hobi. I told him that Yoongi could kill the murderer of his mother, and he did. I just wanted to help Hobi; it seems that he didn't care. I love him, he's my little ray of sunshine, but I feel like everything I do is just pushing him further away.

Well, I guess there's some V-Hope for ya. RunaTheDino
But... people, 864 words this chapter. My goodness.

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