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Jimin's P.O.V.

"You two are staying here for the night, there's no question about it."
Neither of us argue. We just nod.
"Jimin, I think we should call the police. If you know the kidnappers name and address, you can get them arrested." I shake my head. "It's fine, Mom."

"You two can sleep in Jimin's old room. There's two beds and plenty of blankets."
"Thank you, Ms. Park." She offers a smile and Yoongi returns one of his own.
My mother cooks us dinner and wishes us a good night. We walk to my room. It's cleaner than I remember and the furniture is nicer. I run to the bed on the right side of the room. "I call this one." Yoongi laughs at me. We both know that it won't matter; we'll end up sleeping together either way.
I sit on the bed and Yoongi sits on the end across from me, facing me. "Jiminie..." he crawls on the bed to get closer to me and sits directly in front of me. Our faces are about four inches apart. "Yes, Yoongi?" He leans in even closer until there's no space between us and he's kissing me. I know I'm blushing so badly in this moment, but I don't care. The only times we've kissed were in our dreams, it's so much better in real life. Neither of us want to stop.
Somehow, Yoongi ends up on top of me and I break the kiss. "Y-Yoongi, what are you d-doing?"
"Park Jimin, will you be my boyfriend," he lays down next to me. "I- Um... Yeah." I smile shyly. You can see the happiness radiating off of Yoongi. I don't think I've ever seen him this excited.
"Goodnight, Jiminie."

     "Hey, Jimin. What happened to rubbing the magnet all over our bodies?"
     I push Yoongi. "Stop it," and I laugh. He laughs with me.

      When we wake up, my leg is in between his and my arm is around his waist. "Good morning, Boyfriend."
      "G-good morning, Yoongi."
      We get up and change our clothes. Yoongi takes a shower and I head to the living room where my mother is sitting. "Morning, mom."
      "Good morning, Jimin. Did you have a nice sleep?"
      I nod. I remember what happened last night and begin to blush. "Are you okay?"
      "Y-yes. I'm just hungry," I reply.
       "Oh! Well I'll get to cooking then." She quickly gets up from the couch, walks to the kitchen and starts cooking. I sit on the couch, replacing my mom.
       She talks to me through the kitchen. "Your friend..."
      "What about him?"
      "He seems shockingly similar to the boy you described from your dreams. Could it be...." She doesn't finish but I knew what she meant.
      "It's hard to explain. Even if I did, I don't think you'll believe me."
      She shrugs and continues cooking. Yoongi walks in and sits next to me. "Hey," he wraps his arm around me and I push it off before my mom notices. "Yoongi, please don't." He pouts. "Fine."

Yoongi's P.O.V.

      "Breakfast is ready!" Jimin and I sit at the table.
       "So, are you two good friends?" I want to tell his mother that we're actually together, but I could tell by looking at him, that Jimin doesn't want to. "Yeah, we are," I reply.
I want to hold his hand, but I'm pretty sure he'll reject me. Whatever. I reach for his hand and he glares at me. I intertwine our fingers and he doesn't object. He eats with his non-dominant hand, but doesn't complain. His mother gave us skeptical looks, but we ignored it.
      "We're going back to my house today. Do you still have the spare key?" His mother nods and stands up. She searches a drawer, pulls out a silver key and tosses it on the table. "Thank you."
      "Of course," she smiles.
       We say goodbye and I thank Ms. Park for letting us stay over. Jimin takes me to his house.

I think I'm only going to go up to 2.0 chapters. RunaTheDino

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