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Jimin's P.O.V.

      I've been kind of embarrassed since that dream I had earlier. I can't look Yoongi in the eyes. I'm glad I'm the only one that can see my dreams. I would probably die if someone found out.
      I haven't been able to sleep, either. Every time I look at Yoongi, he's staring at me, examining every inch of my body; it's intimidating.
"I-um Y- Yoongi..." He averts his eyes to my face. "You seem restless. Are you okay?" I ask him, a bit nervous for no real reason. He nods. It's obvious that he wants to say something more, but he doesn't. "I'm fine." He fakes a smile.

Yoongi's P.O.V.

I know it was just a dream, but why can't I stop thinking about it.
I cover my face with my hands, hoping that you can't see my thoughts through my eyes. I peek one of my eyes through two of my fingers and see Jimin staring at me. As soon as he notices that I saw him, he turns his head.
I remove my hands from my face and look at Jimin. "When did we become so awkward?" I halfway joke. I know why I feel awkward, but why does he?
"We're probably just tired," he replies. I know that I'm tired. But what if I have another dream..
I end up falling asleep without realizing it, along with Jimin.
Fuck. "Y- Yoongi?" jimin's voice rings through my ears and I turn around. I'm in full control of my moments this time. "Jimin, why are you always here?"
"What do you mean?"
"I mean in my dreams! Why do I always see you!"
Jimin looked like he had just seen a ghost. "Y-your dream?"
"Yes..." I walk closer to him and point to my chest "My dream."
Jimin just stood there. Not saying anything for a good minute, looking at the floor. Out of no where, his face turned beet red. "That means you saw it too? Like... you were actually here," He asks.
"What?" I say, a little too curious.
"Like if I tell you I love you, will you remember when I wake up?"
I was going to ask him what the hell he meant, but I woke up to Tae vigorously shaking me. It was just a dream, it doesn't matter anyways.
"Ack- Tae, I'm up, I'm up!" He stops shaking me. " Then, come get breakfast. Today is your first day of work."
I look over to Jimin's bed, to see that he isn't in it. Tae notices me staring at the empty bed. "He's already up."

"I don't want you two to feel like prisoners anymore..." Tae begins. He looks at me and Jimin, making sure we're listening. "You're my employees, and I want you to feel at home. There's another bathroom with a shower two doors down from your room and across from the bathroom is my room. To the right of my room is Hoseok and Namjoon's room."
       Jimin and I both nod.
      "Now, let's cut to the real shit." Hoseok says while walking towards the table. We eat as he explains what we need to do.

Jimin's P.O.V.

      Kill? Hoseok wants Yoongi and I to kill someone. I would never hurt a fly.  "And don't try to run away. We put trackers somewhere on you in your sleep."

      I don't really know how it came to this, but me and Yoongi were hiding in the bushes outside of some office building. "He should be leaving the building in about a minute."
      I cut the wires of the targets vehicle. The plan was to make sure he couldn't escape, kill him in the car and hide him in the trunk.

      All went as planned.
      Yoongi held the gun to the man's head. He hesitated, "I'm sorry," Yoongi whispered to him and flinched as he pulled the trigger. His fear was evident.
I grab the man's body, put it in the trunk and lock it. I walk back to see Yoongi frozen in place, staring at his blood covered hands. "I can't believe I just did that." He's in shock.
I lock the car door behind him. He still hasn't moved when I turn back around. "Yoongi..." I paused and wrapped my arms around him. "...It's going to be okay." He returns the hug.
I could stay like this forever.


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