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Yoongi's P.O.V.

      The two of us ended up falling asleep after talking about random things for hours. I found out that his name is Park Jimin, and that he loves cinnamon rolls.
We basically became good friends in the matter of a day. Haha, kidnapping buddies. Great...
When I woke up, I saw Jimin still asleep, with his head resting on my ankles. I was sitting up, leaning my back against the chair he had been tied to.

The door slams open, startling Jimin awake.
"Min Yoongi, Tae needs to speak to you."
"Jesus, Joon, do kidnappers not have any manners these days?" I knew it was Namjoon; his voice made it quite obvious.
"I could shoot you both right now, don't fuck with me Yoongi. The only reason you're alive is because of Taehyung. If it were only my decision, you would both be dead."
       I carefully move jimin's head from my legs to the floor. He looked worried, his eyes showed it. "I'll be back." I whispered to the half asleep boy, that was now completely on the floor. I got up and he closed his eyes again. I walked past Namjoon, but he grabbed my wrists and cuffed them. "You know I'm not into that kinky shit like you guys. Why the cuffs?"
        "Just a precaution. We like our faces, and would prefer that they aren't ripped off." He then, closes and locks the door behind him and grips my (now cuffed) wrist. 
      He leads me to a room that looks like an ordinary kitchen and dining room. Tae is seated at the table with his head on it, looking to the side.
     "I brought him." Namjoon pulls out a chair across from Tae and motions for me to sit. I oblige; He sits next to me.
      "Yoongs, you made a promise..."
I look at the speaker, Tae, who still hasn't lifted his head.
      "Promise?" I repeat.
Tae sits up this time, stares straight into my eyes and says, "That if I let Yoonji live, you would work for me."
      My eyes widen at the memory. It was about 5 years ago.
"If you refuse to pay me back, then I will take away everything you love because maybe then you will know how I feel. How it feels to be alone, with nothing left."  I stood there in shock as Tae held a gun to my sisters head. "Please, Tae, don't hurt her. I'll do anything. I promise" I said, sounding unamused, but I was actually concerned. "Then work for me." I noded. He let go of  Yoonji and I pulled her into a tight hug and whispered in her ear, " When I let go, run home as fast as you can. Don't wait for me." She nodded, and I released her from my embrace. She ran, and right behind her, was me. I ran too, and ever since then, I didn't see Tae, or his gang again.
      Until now, when he asks me to fulfill my promise I made years ago.
      "Is this not negotiable?"
Tae shook his head. "And don't you dare run away from me again." I look at him with hatred in my eyes. I've always resented this perverted asshole.
I pause.
"Wait, what do you want with Jimin?"
Tae smiles. "I'm sure you subconsciously know." At the end of his sentence he smiles even wider. "Fuck you."

Taehyung's P.O.V.

"Maybe later," I wink and say to Yoongi who's quite obviously disgusted. Namjoon stands up, along with Yoongi before I stop them. "Why don't you take him to his new room, since he will be extending his stay." Namjoon rolls his eyes at me. "Get Jimin too." I add. Namjoon does as I say, no matter how annoyed he is with me.  He can't bring himself to hate me. Who could?
      Well, Min Yoongi could, of course.

RunaTheDino Min YoonGay. Yeah, I'll see myself out now....
Also, the cinnamon rolls have returned ;)

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