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Yoongi's P.O.V.
I was surprised. "It's simple. We just need to figure out where they are and we can use a magnet."
      "How do you know this?" I ask him.
      "I used to work for a phone company," he gives me a wide smile. "When we needed to wipe a phone's data, we used a magnet."
      I laugh at his innocence. I'm glad he was never subject to gang shit like me. But it's not that surprising, he's the purest little Mochi that ever existed.
"How are we supposed to know where the trackers are?" I ask him.
"Why am I supposed to know? Don't give me that much credit." He replies.
I sigh. "I guess we'll have to figure it out on our own."
"How? Just rub the magnet around our bodies?"
I smile and nod. This should be fun.

Jimin's P.O.V.

I don't like the way Yoongi is looking at me. It makes me nervous. It's like he's checking me out again. "W-we should probably get a magnet." I say, gradually getting louder near the end of my sentence.
I search the room for a piece of paper and quickly walk out of the room to go back to the kitchen. Yoongi holds my arm so that he can keep up with my fast pace.
"Well, welcome back, you two." Tae says, amused. "Thanks." I reply.
      "Do you have a magnet I can use?" I ask Tae. "Sure," He reaches into a drawer and pulls out a small black magnet. He better not ask why I need it. Luckily, he doesn't, all he says is, "Oh, and by the way, I got you each a phone." Yoongi and I look at each other. "Hoseok, Namjoon and My numbers are already in it. It will be easier to talk to you guys when you're working this way. "
      "Also, you won't be bored." Hoseok adds. Tae reaches into his pocket and pulls out two cell phones. We both grab one. "Thanks." Yoongi says as he puts it in his back pocket. I nod in agreement.
      "We trust you won't try to call the police. Don't test us." Tae says, staring directly at Yoongi. "Ok, ok."
      Tae then finally hands me the magnet. "Thank you." I walk back to the room, while Yoongi goes to the bathroom. I sit on my bed waiting for him, trying to figure out how to use the phone.
      He walks in as I'm curiously staring at the phone. "Need help? I thought you used to work for a phone company, Jiminie."
       "I used to. That was a long time ago."
       He shrugs, sits next to me and take the phone from my hands. "Here, let me help you."
      He takes about 30 minutes to show me how it works. He was about to give my phone back, but then he snatches it back. "Wait, I almost forgot." He checks something on his own phone and types on mine. Then, he gives it back. I look at what he typed. He added his number with the contact name as Yoongi Hyung <3
      "You're my Hyung? Why didn't you say anything. I've been disrespecting you this whole time."
   He shakes his head and smiles. "It's fine, Jiminie."

       Tae, Hoseok or Namjoon didn't give us any work today.  Yoongi and I spend the day sitting on my bed on our phones. "Wait, Yoongi, what about the magnet. When will we do that?"
       "Let's wait. We just earned Tae's trust, after all." I nod. It makes sense.
      "Hyung, I'm tired." I lean my head on Yoongi's shoulder. "Then go to sleep, Jiminie."
      I shake my head. "N-not without you." He wraps his arm around me and lays his head on mine. "Goodnight."
      I'm about to fall asleep, so is Yoongi. I decide that it's now or never. "Yoongi. I-I Love you." I whisper before I fall into our dream. I doubt he heard me.


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