Chapter Thirty One

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“We found him,” were the first words to come out of Louis’ mouth when Zayn picked up his phone. He and Liam had been looking for Harry all night whilst Niall stayed with Ann and Gemma to calm them after what happened at the mansion. When they decided that they may not be able to find him on their own they called Louis who went searching for him with Eleanor.

“Where is he?” Zayn said worry struck.

“I got him here with us. I’ll text you the address to where we are,” Louis hung up the phone after that.

The argument at the mansion was the straight out weirdest thing to Liam so eventually Zayn just had to tell him everything about what happened while, they were searching. Partially to settle Liam’s confusion, partially because he just wanted the load off his chest and maybe get a friend to help him figure out how to help Harry.

He could tell Liam felt sorry for Harry but it wasn’t pity, which Zayn appreciated from his friend. He did think it was sick though, and he could tell that he wasn’t that warm at the thought of Harry’s father anymore. “How can someone do that and they seem so good before…?” Liam questioned randomly as they drove to the address Louis texted them. He seemed deep in thought as if processing what Zayn had told him. He wondered how Harry would react to him telling Liam.

“I don’t know. Drugs can really change a person.” Zayn shrugged. He really didn’t know how Harry farther turn into whatever he was. He could understand how anybody could turn into someone so bad that they would lay a hand on someone else like that. Maybe he went insane, no one could ever tell now anyway and Harry’s mum stayed with him, another thing he couldn’t understand. Maybe he would be able to unless it was him, you know what they say but then it’s so odd how such a common feelings of human nature such as love or desire can drive us to do or keep things that are nothing good for us. I wonder who planned us out like that because it’s fucked up…

“Maybe that high life isn’t all it’s cracked up to be,” Liam stated wryly before turning a corner.

Zayn just shrugged as Li continued driving. The car fell silent after, both of them lost in their thoughts; Zayn’s shifting back to his family for a moment. After the fight with his father on the phone things were not as he would say stable between them, but when they heard about Harry’s father passing, his father didn’t push the issue to make things worse. Zayn could tell he hadn’t seen the last of it though. They were driving for about ten more minutes before they spotted Louis’ car and pull over.

Lou and Eleanor were seated in the front and a certain green eyed complication of Zayn’s was leaned against the window in the backseat, his eyes gently closed. Louis stepped out of the vehicle as Zayn stood next to his door, leaning against the car waiting.

“How’d you find him?” Zayn asked glancing into the window around his shoulder at Harry before turning back to Louis who looked tired from searching.

“We were just driving looking for him. Ellie thought it would be smart to check the parks first and we just found him in one around the corner here sending stones in a pond and screaming at the water.” Louis’ eyes were stuck on Eleanor as he spoke, watching her sleep as well. It was about three in the morning and the entire town was dark. He should have probably been home by now but he called his mum when they started looking for Harry so she would understand if he wasn’t back yet. She didn’t seem to have as much as a problem with Zayn and Harry together and she felt sorry for the boy’s loss. “I talked to him, calmed him down. I told him you were looking for him and that I would take him home but you guys are here so. Not to mention I have to take Ellie home, her parents called like twice already.”

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