Chapter fourteen

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Hey guys sorry for the wait but I'm back now. I'm exhausted but I'm doing this for you guys. It destroyed me when I couldn't update so I had to make it up to you. I'm going to post the second chappie I promised in a while and like I said there will be Zarry sexy time. I don't know if this is any good but let me know. Sorry guys please forgive me!!! I love you guys for the support. And please don't stop reading this for miss in updates. 



There were just eyes all around him, all looking at him and what does that say now? He could think of one thing. Perrrie told. Because of Harry? Perrie was more of the conniving witch that wouldn't give in so easily. Though it would get Zayn out but in Perrie's mind -knowing her- keeping her popularity would mean way more than a slap and that's why Zayn was confused and a little scared for what the crazy bitch did. He continued to walk like he wasn't even noticing their looks up to the table. Harry trailed behind him a little surprisingly not seeing a thing. When Zayn got to the table Zayn realized even Lou and Liam were watch him weirdly. What the fuck?!! Niall was already there but his mouth was too filled with food for

"Would someone please tell me what's going on? Why is everyone looking at me?" Zayn asked sitting down with Haz. It was only then Harry actually turned around and saw everyone watching Zayn. He was too busy replaying the slap in his head to even realize. 

"Dude, what d'you mean why?" Liam started. "The same day you get back together with Perrie -which none of understand but, hey- by fifth period we see her with a hand print on her face. People start thinking stuff."

"Yeah, man." Louis continues, "But then I hear from El that Perrie's been telling everyone what really happen and it was kinda weird to find out." 

"Yeah... What exactly has she been saying?" Zayn asks trying not to sound too oblivious. Lou raises an eyebrow before getting out his phone and showing Zayn his texts from Eleanor.

Elli-poo: Lou since when is Zayn into BDSM?

Boobear: O.o How am I supposed to know?! Why you ask about Zayn's sexual preferences?

Elli-poo: Well cuz Perrie's been telling everyone that the slap mark on her face was from 'punishment' from Zayn for be 'naughty'. 

Boobear: O.O what?!!!

Elli-poo: Yeah, she told practically all the girls that in the locker room at gym. It was really weird so I had to ask.

Boobear: I dunno, El. Whatever they do it's probably their private business.

Elli-poo: ha, well I think Perrie has a different definition of private.

Boobear: :-\ Just don't mind her. They'll talk about that on their own time. I'll talk to later ok.

Elli-poo: okay :)

And it ended there. Zayn eyes were so wide by the end of that it could have fell right out of his sockets. What bloody fucking hell has she been saying?! Zayn was furious and also fighting the urge to go lurch over a toilet imagining do that to Perrie. He looked up to Harry who's eyes were already on him. He was opening his mouth to say something but was stopped by an annoying shout of his name from across the room. It really wasn't hard to guess who. "Zaynie!!!" Perrie shouts from across the lunch room causing everyone to look at her. ugh, how can want so much attention?  All the boys turned to her as she started to walk  towards them. She took a sit down next to Zayn glancing at a now scowling Harry sitting across from Zayn. "Hi. Harry." She said slowly smiling, an evil glint in her eyes. 

"Hi," he mumbled before looking away trying to control his anger.

"Perrie, I thought you were sitting with Jade and the rest of the girls." Zayn said pretty formally. He could have still seen the red mark on her face quite visibly, which she never bothered to try and cover up. Damn Hazza!

"Well, I decided to spend it with my man." Perrie stressed on the my looking Harry straight in the face. She put her arm around him and caressed his shoulder while resting on the other smiling. Harry shifted uncomfortably his hands twitching and that was the beginning of Harry's torture. The other guys weren't really to pleased by her presence either so they just decided to speak.

By the time lunch ended Harry was in hell. He had to watch her, that little bitch do Zayn all the cute stuff he was dying to do him and he couldn't stand in the lunch room and do the same thing he did in the bathroom, it was too public. He had to suffer in silence, which he was used to but it never felt so hard. Zayn didn't looking that happy with it either but he had to put up enough of a front that people wouldn't noticed but Harry would always notice.

They were walking out together, Perrie unfortunately still there, Haz walking behind them, Lou gone to see Eleanor and Niall and Liam to the front talking about something that was making Niall smile a lot. Too bad Harry couldn't smiling with the handsy little thing feeling up his man. "Well hun'. I gotta go to class but I'll call you later." Perrie smiled.

"Bye, Perrie." Zayn said looking like he wanted her gone.

Right before leaving she grabs the back of Zayn's neck and pull him into a surprise kiss right in front of Harry. Zayn's eyes widened as he realizes what Perrie did but her grip on his neck made him unable to pull away. Harry's anger just erupted and he walked straight to her and pulled him off of Zayn which made Zayn even more surprised. "What the fuck?!!" Harry shouted that loudly making the people around them turn and look. what was he going to do now?

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