Chapter twenty!

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Sorry it took so long for the third. I've had A LOT of camps going to and well no electronics allowed :-\ *mumbles* bitchy camp directors. Anyways,this one was not up to my standards but I felt so bad for taking so long so I had to. Good news, I have found a DJ thanks to an awesome commenter in the past chapter. I laughed so hard she really brightened my day and gave me some serious inspiration so why not make her the DJ. I love all you guys, TWC is up to over 20,000 reads!!! Thank you so much guys! 




What am I? Zayn asked himself that brain racking question again on his sexuality. The same question he'd been asking himself since he got to his home later that day. Oh, one of the common trails faced by teenagers and it sort of annoyed him. He wasn't gay, he knew that for sure. He could see plenty of beauty in girls and he bet he would even be attracted to a lot of them, if Harry wasn't there. That's just the thing, everything was Harry in his eyes. When he saw Harry it's like nothing and no one else in the world mattered. He didn't know what that made him. If it made he gay -though he highly doubted it- or bi so be it. 

He didn't know what was going to happen in the future for him and Harry, he just knew he wanted  them together and if something were to happen and Harry wasn't there anymore he would be broken yes but at least he knew the time they spent together was worth it and he didn't care who knew.

Some messed up things happened in Zayn's past and Harry would get to know if he stayed with him and Harry might never accept him afterward, maybe even reject him or think he's a monster but Zayn didn't care Harry should know. It was time for the secrets to come out, all of them. The secrets kept from his parents about Harry and him, The secrets kept from his best mates... and the secrets he kept from Harry about his past. He had finally made the decision.  Zayn rolled over in his bed and sighed before closing his eyes to get some shut eye. He needed rest before the hell which was going to be his day tomorrow.


"So wait. Can you explain all of this again please?" Louis furrowed his eyebrows as he sat in front of Zayn and Harry with Liam and Niall. They were way back in the corner of the quad at school, it was lunch and they were just hanging out when Zayn had told them,  confessed everything about him and Haz... Well not everything, some of that ain't for there ears but yeah, get the point. 

"Well, it's a long story but the point is lads, Harry and I are- well, I should say a couple. We're together, okay!" He was kind of babbling now. It's not that complicated! Right? 

"So, are you gay mate?" Liam asked, creasing his brows, his browns eyes giving off how hard he was thinking on this.

"Well, I love Harry and that's what I know, that's what I'm sure of. Whether or not I'll ever fall for you or Lou, I'm sorry but no. If I am gay, it's only for this curly haired boy right here." Zayn took Harry's hand in his. Harry smiled blushing a bit. Zayn never knew what love was before it was just a foreign word to him, you know the shit you here in the sappy movies or the stuff you read in the dramatic romance novels but now he feels like he is in one of those romance novels, with Harry. He loved and really meant it, and he was sure of that out of the many things he wasn't.

The lads eyes just drifted to Zayn and Harry's hands entwined and blinked. What does that say? It was getting a bit awkward actually. "It would be great to hear what think right now lads. Preferably that you accept us, y'know, being our best mates and all." Zayn was a bit nervous at this point. He didn't want his closest friends to hate him because of this. He wouldn't know what to do. 

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