Chapter Twenty eight

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So just a short filler chapter but it just shows a bit of the relationship Harry develops with the boy he met, Tom. I feel awful that I took so long to update lovelies but I've been so busy. I do want to finish this soon though and there's only about three or four more chapters so if I could at least get 5 comments by Sunday, I'll post an update right then. Love you guys, if you still care for this book enough to still be reading it after how much of an awful person I was for waiting so long to update. :(



"This is your last day, Haz. Do you really think you can do this?" Zayn asked Harry they got dressed before their last day in Bradford a.k.a Zayn's dangerous old neighbourhood. He's been working at the orphanage a lot lately, mostly to try helping with Tom. He asked his teacher to stay at that location instead of switching like everyone else just to help him specifically, mostly because he knew what Tom was feeling and saw a younger bit of him in the poor little boy. He was determined, to get Tom a life where he received the love and attention he required and he had a plan...

Harry walked down the halls of the orphanage headed for the backyard and observed the dirty, stained wall littered little drawings of spacemen and cowboys and words written all over in childlike penmanship. Some were more alarming like people getting shot or being stabbed by others but he wasn't to surprised because not many of these kids would have a pleasant childhood. He walked through the door to the backyard and went over to the bench where Tom was sitting, someplace he seemed to frequent.

"Good morning, Tom," Harry gave him a soft, warm smile as he stooped down in front of him. Tom looked up to the older boy from his lap and returned a smile to him before giving a small, "Good morning," in reply.

Harry was very pleased to say that Tom was talking now, thanks to him and he had probably grown a little attached to Harry now. Throughout the week he talked a lot with Tom and saw a bit of this boys life as he said it through childlike words, which basically the sounded like a bad dream someone so young would have. In a way which it was, only real very real. He learned how confused the little boy was and sad because he didn't understand where his mum had gone to but Harry tried his best to make him forget all those feelings and be the light for Tom, that Zayn was for him. A warm, almost fulfilling emotion overcame when he saw this happen and it makes him so glad he stepped out of his world to do this. "So Tom, what do you want to do today? I'm all yours."

"You're leaving today aren't you, Harry? You're leaving me..." Tom asked slowly in response, sadness apparent on his face suddenly.

"Yes, I am leaving here but don't feel bad Tom. This isn't the last time you will see me. I'm never going to leave you." Harry gave him some reassurance. "Now, how do you want to spend our day?"

Tom's frown didn't leave his face and it killed Harry a little to see him so sad. He didn't say anything but instead walked to Harry and wrapped his tiny arms around him in a hug. Harry's eyes widened in shock at the scarred little boy initiating a hug with him first but then he returned the loving gesture realising how much Tom just needs it. He even felt self accomplished that he made this happened and special that it was him.  The hole inside him made by his father and his life it seemed that Zayn and this boy just filled.

"Okay Tom, how about we do some drawing and maybe listen to some music. I have lots of music and we could draw anything you like. Do you want to do that?" Harry spoke lifting the boy up and placing him on his hip to rest there safely. 

"Okay, I haven't heard a lot of music before, Harry," Tom responded slowly, his small childlike voice affecting his enunciation. 

"Oh, that's okay Tom. I have plenty for us to listen to, grade A stuff," Harry gave him a sure nod and a bit of a chuckle before he walked into the orphanage with the little boy, chatting away about the music selections on his playlist which Tom was to be clueless of definitely. 

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