Chapter sixteen

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Hey guys. I'm so sorry for keeping you guys waiting I just had that stupid camp again not to mention I've been super busy. I swear February is just a crazy month for me. :-\ This chappie's really short but i wrote most of it from a phone so I wouldn't know how short. Though I don't think I've done one this short in a while. I'll make it up in the next one which will probably be posted tomorrow. Please tell me what you think, if there's anything wrong. It's quite fluffy but it won't stay that way for long trust me some drama's gonna kick up quite soon. I love all of you guys! Sorry for such a late and crappy update but the next will be better, believe it. :)




The sound of the heart monitor rang through Harry's head and the smell of alcohol and cleaning products flooded his nose. Harry never liked the clinical smells of hospitals but it was something he was oh too familiar with. He got used to it always being here when his mum was recovering from one of his father's tantrums. He and Gemma would sit by her bedside worried to death, hating there father. But his mother never wanted to leave, she wanted to stay to make sure they got everything in life. She took it all for them... And now that Gemma's gone. She's taking it all for him and it made him feel awful. He had to watch her while his father would just leave on some 'business trip' for who knows how long. This time it was really bad....

"How is she?" A voice asked from behind the chair he was sitting on by her bed while she slept. It was Zayn. Harry got up and went to hug him as soon as he saw his face, tears automatically streaming down his face, the pain seeping out, but he was happy that for once in a long time he had someone to show it to. Someone to hold on to. Someone to be his knight in shining armour. Zayn was that someone and Harry never wanted to let go of him no matter what.

Zayn wrapped his arms around Harry pulling him to his body, the taller boy resting on his shoulder crying. He felt all the pain seeping out of Harry as he held him and he just wanted to take it all and send it far away. He suddenly had the urge to just strangle Harry's father that was their family matters, things he could meddle in. He just held him and hope he knew how much Zayn cared. How much of a strong feeling he felt for him, how much he... "She got some really bad internal bleeding which she had to have surgery to fix and a concussion," he said pulling away. "They said she was hit with something and she went through a struggle. I just... I should have been there for her. I should have protected her. It's all my fault anyway."

"Harry you can't say that. You can't blame yourself for things your bullshit father is doing. You're too much of a good persontand up to him. You love your mum, I can tell and she's doin this because she loves you. Just be there for her. Stand up to him and if he even touches you, I don't care he made you or he's a billionaire or whatever. I will make him regret it."

Something just came over Harry and the words were just out of his mouth before he could realize, "I love you." It was after he said it he realised how much he meant it. "I love you, Zayn Malik."

I love you, Zayn Malik. It rang through Zayn's mind like a call of beauty from the heavens. He was caught in his thought s for few seconds before he could reply. The obvious truth in front of him was, he did love Harry, with all his heart. Zayn didn't know at what point it happened by he fell for the curly-haired boy. "I love you too, Harry. I'm a moth a to flame." He didn't care what happened needed Harry and Harry needed him. They were bonded to each other like each others' life line. 

Harry smiled brightly pulling Zayn's face to him before cupping it in a kiss, a kiss which made the world stop spinning around them and time freeze. Their lips molded to together if the soft, loving connection, tingles running through both of their bodies and shock waves hitting them every second of the kiss. Harry slipped passed his tongue over Zayn's bottom lip asking for entrance which he was granted immediately. Their tongues massaged and danced with each other, pure passion radiating out of them.

They pulled away breathless and a bit light headed. Zayn was for sure on cloud nine. It was like he could just rise up and float away any moment now. "Who's this Harry?" Both were stunned as they heard a weak voice coming from the hospital bed behind them. Harry's mum's awake.... And just saw that... Oh my.

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