Chapter eight

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Hey my lovelies, sorry for updating do late, I know you wanted more but school has been being a real pain in the unmentionables. I sort of rushed this so please have mercy. Hope you guys like it. 




Zayn's body was pressed up against the wall as Harry's green eyes smoldered him into jell-o on a hot summer day. He'd never really seen Harry like this and it was really turning him on, well more than he already was from lunch. The Harry he would usually see was the geeky Harry who wore khakis and sweater vests and bow ties. But this one was... seductive. Yeah, he still wore the nerd clothes but oh my, with that look and those eyes even fucking Urkel could get you all hot and bothered. 

"So you were trying to be naughty back there, ay?" He whispered his breath blowing against Zayn's ears sending chills down his spine. "Well I can be bad to Malik," He said reaching his hand behind Zayn before taking himself a nice hand full of Zayn butt and squeezing it, then crashing Zayn's head to his. He forced his tongue into Zayn's mouth winning the battle for dominance as Zayn submitted immediately.

Zayn moaned into his mouth, his mind disconnecting from his body as Harry possessed him. Okay, he wasn't putting up any resistance for control but it was pretty hard when you mush on the inside. He'd never experience something like this before. His stomach was always tight and tingling around him and he felt light headed when they kissed, not to mention the pre-dick-aments he gets into when Haz touches him. Their mouths moved against each other in perfect unison. The only thing you could hear in that closet were moans grunt and heavy breathing.They weren't even bothered by what was around them.... and that's probably why someone opened the door.....

"So, can you two explain to me what you were doing in the supply closet when you were supposed to be in class?" Harry and Zayn stood in front of their principle, searching their minds for an excuse after they got caught by the damn school janitor. 

"They were hiding out there, I tell ya. Avoiding class probably," the old coot said pointing at them. 

"Is that true boys?'' Mr. Cowell raised a brow at them paired with his soul sickling frown. They didn't even know what to respond then because they weren't really trying to avoid class but the truth would be way worse to say so they just went along with it.

"Yes, sir." They dropped their heads in false shame. Haha, idiot janitor just gave us an excuse.

Mr. Cowell started rolling out some speech of disappointment but they could really care less their eyes locked on each other. Amusement dancing on both green and brown. In the end they were just stuck with a weeks detention but it was so worth it. After they left, Harry leaned against the one of the lockers in the hallway and sighed. "That was close," he muttered turning to Zayn smiling. Oh, if the janitor saw us...

"Yeah, it was. Next time we'll have to lock the door," Zayn replied.

You know that would have been a good idea from the initial but hey, Harry was in the moment! "Next time... Sounds like music to my ears."

"Yeah next time, and let's see who the real bad boy then."

"Hm, Mr. Popularity better have his game on," Harry walked up to him their faces barely an inch apart, " Coz I'm ready to play." Then he walked off, just as the bell for the next period rang. 

Zayn's legs wanted to buckle under him but he held in there. Damn that's hot! He regain his leg strength and walked off.

They decided to work on the project in the library today since Harry's house was not an to Harry and well, it was right there so they just went there. The only bad thing was they couln't kiss and Harry's lips were aching for Zayn's on his but the good thing was they were almost done and then Harry could do whatever he wanted with him then. "So, the last thing we have to do for this is talk about the neighborhood of poverty we're going to... Which is like a piece a cake." Harry muttered while reading through some papers.

"Cool. Lemme see it," Zayn took the paper with the neighborhood from him.

"Check this out, it says this is one of poorest places in the city." Harry said showing Zayn but he never really replied. He was kind of... Distant and something seemed wrong. "What's wrong?" Concern took over Harry's voice.

"Nothing..." He lied, and Harry could tell. "Haz I gotta go." He said getting up.

"What do you mean-" He got cut off.

"I have to go do something. I'll see you tomorrow," he walked off leaving have confused. No, why there? Zayn sighed and ran a hand through his hair frustrated, his horrid past catching up to him.

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