Chapter ten

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Sorry guys, this chappie's longer than the last one so i hope you're not disappointed. The last chapter was kinda depressing but I hope this one has a different twist to things. Please show if you enjoy. The comments really inspire me plus the best one or consistent comment-leavers can get dedication so please show me you guys like it. I LOVE all the support so far though, you guys are amazing so I just don't want to let you down. Anywayz here it is...



"Pencils and pens down everyone! Exam's over" Mr.Bates announces as the bell for the end of school rings. "Remember to bring in your projects and prepare for the field trip." Harry got up and went up to Mr. bates and gave him his and Zayn's project. He couldn't see Zayn anywhere in the class, must of already left for where he wanted to meet Harry, but he didn't want to go. He already had to go through the pain of Zayn before class, he would not put himself threw that again. He would just make a run for his driver outside and hope that he gets there to hide from the world. But then again, has shit ever been on my side? As soon as he got out of the class Zayn was standing there, leaning against the wall, looking immaculate. "I thought you said the bleachers?" Harry run-walked while he spoke. 

"Couldn't wait. Plus I had a feeling you wouldn't show. I need to talk to you, Haz." Zayn was practically chasing behind him with the speed Harry was moving at. He followed him out side of the school to the empty parking lot.

"Well, your feeling was right, Zayn. I don't want to talk." Zayn grabbed hold of his shoulder and spun him around. "Let go of me." He looked a tears started to streaming Harry's face. 

"Harry, I wasn't avoiding you. I was just dealing with something that isn't even relevant anymore. What you said back there broke me down inside. I could never avoid you, that's a fact. You're worth so much more than you know to me Harry Styles." Zayn slowly moved closer him to look him straight in his emerald green eyes which were now bloodshot from the tears. "I'm stuck to you like a magnet, Styles. No matter what," he said then wrapped then snaked his arm around Harry's waist and pulled him into a kiss. A soft, delicate, passionate kiss that made the world stop around them and nothing else mattered other than the people they were holding onto. Zayn ran his tongue over Harry's lip asking for permission and Harry obliged willingly letting their tongue meet to rub against and massage each other. He slipped his fingers into Zayn's jet black hair as he got lost in the kiss. When they pulled away both of them were breathless and they could swear they just broke a fucking record for how long that kiss was. "I'm sorry," Zayn apologised wiping the tears on Harry's cheeks away. 

Harry smiled his spirits automatically rising after that and Zayn knew he was forgiven. "You are amazing, Zayn Malik."

"Nothing compared to you." He ran his hand down Harry's arm and entwined their fingers.

"I want to spend more time with you, but my driver's on his way."

"Tell him don't come, I can give you a ride home." Zayn smiled pulling him to his bike.

"Where on that?" Harry raised an eyebrow pointing to his motorcycle.

"Mhmm." Zayn nodded his eyes full of amusement. Harry had never been on one of those.... But hey, what's the harm in trying something new? 

"Okay," he said pulling out his phone to call his driver, Paul to tell him not to come. After he hung up, he nodded to Zayn grinning like a Cheshire cat, meaning he was ready to go.

Zayn straddled the bike's seat, then patted then space behind him. "C'mon, let's go." Harry grasped Zayn's shoulders before flinging his leg over the motorcycle. He wrapped his arms around Zayn and rested his head on his shoulders. Zayn switched on the ignition causing the bike to roar to life. Harry gripped him tightly as they started to move out of the seemingly empty parking lot. 

The ride to Harry's house was just amazing for him. I can go home like this everyday! The rush of being on the back of that thing was exciting and Zayn toned body against Harry's excited something else of Harry's, you know, down under...

Zayn pulled up in Harry's driveway and turned the ignition off. Harry got off, feeling a bit giddy. He wasn't sure if was from the ride or from being so close to Zayn the whole time. The latter being the more likely. "Thanks," he muttered a light pink tint on his face.

"It's nothing. It's hard to resist having a hot bod like yours on the back of this." 

"Well, it was too hard to resist not holding on to yours." And it was killing me not to hold something lower but a motorcycle accident wouldn't have been the best idea. 

"Glad you didn't." You could feel the electricity between them as they stared into each other's eyes. Another one of those moments that stop time, yeah, Zayn was starting to really like those even if it was with a guy. Correction, a fucking sexy-nerdy beast of a guy! "I gotta get going, before it's too late out."

Harry didn't want him to go. He wanted to spend more time with him. Now that the projects over, how are they going to spend time together. Their like from two different worlds, they have no reason for their paths to collide now. Stay, and I will hide you away to keep with me! ...Okay that was a bit creepy Harry, get it together. "Okay," he replied giving him a small smile. He tried to hide his disappointment but he failed as his eyes said everything his mouth didn't. 

"Harry, what if we went for some coffee together, like Monday? Just the two of us."

"Like, on a date?" Harry asked his smile widening.

"Yeah, I guess. Whataya say?"

What do I say? Fuck, yes! "Yeah, of course." Harry was trying to play it cool but inside, he was freaking out. OH MY GOSH!! 

"Great Monday then. After school."


"Bye," Zayn said before turning on the ignition and riding out.

Harry walked in smiling like a big fool. As soon as he closed the door, He let out a huge wave of screams he was holding in while doing some weird jumping around dance. He wanted to somersault or something, if only he could do that shit. Yeah, he knew acting like this made him look nowhere near manly but he didn't care, no one could see him anyway. After a while he calmed himself down and stopped, but it was only then he looked up an saw Paul was there the entire time watching him. Oh shit... "Goodnight, Paul." Harry practically sprinted for his room averting his eyes from Paul the entire time.

"Goodnight, Mr.Styles," Paul replied formally but you could see the amusement in his eyes.

Harry slammed his room door then slid down to sit on the floor. That was awkward. He let out a small chuckle at the moment. Oh he was already dreaming of Monday.


The weekend passed slowly but it was finally Monday and Zayn was sort of really excited for the date but he didn't want to show it, had to keep his cool around Harry. He grabbed his books for first period then headed for the stairs to get to his class. He stair climbing was stopped as he saw a figure right in front of him. He rolled his eyes at the recognition of the person, the annoyance that always came with that person showing immediately. "Excuse me, Perrie." He said trying to get past her but she stepped in front him every time he tried to go.

"So, Zayn. How's your love life going, y'know without me?" She smiled, a devious glint in her eyes though. 

"I don't think that concerns you." He got frustrated and just pushed past her. The troll was testing his patience.

"Well, I guess you're right. That kiss between you and your little curly-haired boyfriend shouldn't concern me at all. Shouldn't." Those words stopped Zayn right in his track and his brown eyes widened. How the fuck does she know about that?!!

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