Chapter nineteen

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Another for today, Let's hope I do it a third time. Best comment gets a dedication!



 Zayn was taken aback a bit by Hazza's question. It was just thrown at him really. "...What?" He furrowed his brows not knowing how to answer. 

Harry suddenly got a bit more nervous. If he had a knife he could cut a slice of the awkwardness in the air, "Uh...Well, we are like in a relationship now and I'm sure you know, I don't have the same parts a girl, y'know that P where there's usually a V... So, I'm kind of wondering where you stand now, 'cos you used to go out with girls and now you're going out with me." He babbled a little.

Zayn really didn't know where to place himself now. He like Harry, and yes Harry was of the male gender like he was but was but was he gay? Or bisexual? He was just confused. He hadn't really thought about it yet. He didn't know how any of how the relationship with Harry was going to be really. He just knew he didn't want to end it. "I-i don't really know, Haz..." Plus if he were gay or bi or whatever, he would have to come out and tell people and all that. Would he really be ready for that? Zayn being being, practically the most popular guy in school coming out would create a lot of drama in the school, which he never really liked. And then having to say he's dating Harry. And what would Lou, Liam And Niall think? What would my parents think.... Okay let's not think about that. It would be a great deal to handle but it being for Harry shouldn't that make it worth it? "I might just have to think this through and take it step by step. It's a lot to figure out. I'm still getting used to the relationship with a guy thing." Harry nodded in response, understanding but he still seemed a little sad he didn't get an answer.

"I just wanted to know," he stated simply.

"I'll give  you a response. Tomorrow if you want," he said wanting to see if it would perk Harry up.

"Take your time, I don't want you choosing something you don't mean or haven't thought through."

"Hazza, I love you. I do, that's for sure so it shouldn't take a lot of thinking through. Once I have you it can never be a bad decision," Zayn gave him a reassuring smile.

"So what about your parents?" Harry asked wondering where they would fit in. 

Oh no, parents.... "Well...-" He was stopped by his phone ringing. Please don't Perrie she's the last person I want to talk to now! It was Liam. Thank you for getting me out of that situation. "Hold on a sec, Haz." He picked up the call, "Hey, Li."

"Zayn! Where are you, mate?! I've been trying to reach you all day!" Liam said sounding thankful that Liam was alive. 

"Oh sorry man, my phone was off." Zayn turned it off when he went to the hospital to avoid any more anger texts from Scary Perrie while he saw Harry's Mum and all those doctors with them.

"It's okay. I have some bad news though. We lost the DJ for the party." Liam sounded really let down. Zayn, had completely forgot about his own party! He just left everything to Liam so... No worries.

"Aw, that sucks mate!" He feigned disappointment, "So what are we going to do now?" 

"I guess we'll have to find one. A good one. For Saturday night. A night where several parties commonly occur...." More hope was lost from Liam's voice with each sentence. He seemed more worried than Zayn.

"We'll get one, Li." 

"You're right, not giving up hope yet." 

"No, not yet," Zayn chuckled a bit. Liam was being ridiculous. He liked things organized and planned which is why he always handled the parties for Zayn and Zayn just showed up. Liam liked to party though, that's for sure. He always seemed like the normal super sweet guy regularly but he had his times. And when Liam got into a party he was a beast. Liam loved the party Zayn threw at the end of every term. It gave him the perfect chance for that and no one ever missed it

"I'll keep looking." he said seeming to calm down.

"Cool, Li I gotta go now but we'll talk later. Bye."

"Bye," Liam replied before hanging up. Zayn checked thee clock on his phone and it was only 12:45 P.M. Liam called him during school. Zayn pushed his phone back in his pocket and turned his attention back to Harry who was watching him.

"What's wrong?" Harry inquired  wondering what Zayn and Liam were talking about. Yeah it might be a little nosy giving it was none of his business but he didn't care. 

"Oh, Liam just told me we lost the DJ for the party and they party's on Saturday and it's already Thursday. To find a good one on such short notice for a busy night like Saturday would be practically impossible. A party with no good music would just be a disaster and Liam would hate that," Zayn sighed knowing how much of a drag finding a Dj was going to be.

"I'm sure you guys will find one," Harry said reassuring him.

"It would be hard. And even if we did find one they would be expensive as hell. We would never be able to afford them." And with that an idea popped int Harry's head.

"Why don't I find you a DJ. I can get a top class DJ for Saturday and I would be able to afford it easily with a little possession of mine called platinum credit card."

"Harry, no," Zayn glared at him knowing what Harry wanted to do. Zayn did not want Harry spending his money on a stupid party Zayn was having. "No way, there's always next term."

"Aw c'mon, Zayn. What's the benefits in having a evil multimillionaire father if you can't waste some of his money?"

"No, Haz.. Not on me." Zayn folded his arms signalling the end of the discussion. But Harry had some other plans... "Ah!.... H-harry what are- y-you doing?!" Zayn stuttered out his head rolling back as Harry started to massage his crotch with a lot of pressure. Zayn was never so glad that the car they were in with Paul had a sound proof barrier separating them.

"I thought you might need some convincing. Now, you're boyfriend wants to help you with something you should be hard headed and just agree." He massaged even harder making Zayn moaned loudly. Zayn clamped his hand over his mouth to trying and block the sounds from escaping getting even more nervous that he was in a car with Harry's family driver in the front seat. "Now, are you going to let me or do I have to tease it out of you?" Harry said before he began to nip at Zayn's bare vulnerable neck. Zayn's member was getting hard fast. 

"Y-you can do it!" Zayn nodded quickly pleasure already shooting through him. Oh, it felt so good but Harry had evil intentions. That little bastard! 

"Thank you! Now I'm hungry. Let's get lunch!" Harry said cheerfully before kissing Zayn on the cheek and stopping all teasing but it was too late. Zayn already had a little problem. Harry looked out the window pretending nothing was wrong.

"Um... Harry," Zayn said looking down at his you know. 

"You should learn not to tell me no," Harry said still looking out the window, grinning evilly.

Note to self, NEVER try to deny Harry Styles again. 

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