Chapter Three

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Well, here goes nothing. Harry knocked on the door three as the appropriate length, at least he assumed so. He wasn't really used to going to people's  homes. Tonnes of friends wasn't something he had. Not that he's calling Zayn Malik a friend 'cause he's at Zayn's house. More like a partner he'll just do this stinking project with and part ways forever afterwards, lifes never interacting. Yeah, that was the plan. Do it and be over with.Then the only face he would have to see after this was Niall's chucked full of food.

The nervousness was clear in his shaky breathes going in and out of him as he wait for Zayn to get the door. It was taking a while. It was getting kind of annoying actually. Where is this dude? He knocked again three times but louder this time. He waited again his impatience growing. 

Okay, he was annoyed. Harry banged on the door again really hard. Before he could knock the third time, the door swung open and Zayn was standing in front of him with sleepy eyes, only a pair of sweats on, at three in the afternoon. "What are you doing here?" He asked with a yawn. The curly haired boy just stood there, face a little blank, his fist still in mid-air waiting to knock the third time. Speak Harry, speak!

"Um... the project. We're supposed to be working on it today. You ehh, gave me your adress on Friday to told me to be here for it," he managed to mutter that out.

"Oh, yeah. Come on in," he said nonchalantly turning and leaving the door open for him. Harry stepped in very cautiously, like some boobi-trap was going to come out and kill him. Idiot, it's just a house. It was just a house, looked pretty good. Had a few expensive looking things here and there but nothing really fancy. He passed by all the family photos in the hallway of Zayn's family. They looked really happy. He stopped and at one of Zayn when he was a kid, he actually looked really cute as a kid. Kind of adorable, and now he's... Well he's Mr. Bad boy. You gotta wonder what happened. He walked into the living room and set down all the stuff he brought for the project on the coffee table. "We'll work on it in my room," Zayn said walking by him. "Pepsi?" Zayn asked hold out of can of the drink for him from the fridge.

"Sure," Harry replied still a bit nervous.

"Catch," Zayn said before sending the can across the house to him. Harry barely caught it his long fingers grasping it just in time. He was happy he had time catch it. I would have looked so stupid if I didn't get it. "Let's go," he said to Harry going up the stairs. Harry grabbed his stuff quickly and rushed to follow Zayn upstairs.

They walked up to one of the rooms at the end of the door the other one seemed to be covered in pink decorations like a girl's room. Must be his little sister's. He never had a little sister, the only sibling he had was his big sis Gemma, but she's gone now. Moved away, couldn't take their house anymore. Harry didn't blame her though. After all, only they knew what it was like there. Zayn walked into the room and dived straight for his bed. "So what is this project about anyway?" Zayn asked, flipping over onto his back and resting against the bed head. 

Harry felt a bit awkward standing in the middle of his room,clutching his stuff tightly looking around for the dangerous bad boy things like a gun or something that would have him quaking in terror but it was quite an ordinary guy's room. Not all that tidy but acceptable, pretty nice. The only guy's house he'd ever been to was Niall's and he was a slob by definition. He was too busy looking around to even notice Zayn was talking to him. "Yo, mate? You listening?" Zayn waved his hand in Harry's blanked out face. 

"Um, yeah." I must look like a crazy person! "So what'd you say?"'

"Well, I asked what the project was about and I said you could rest your stuff down and sit..."

"Oh, thanks." Harry gave him a small smile before putting his stuff on the desk and sitting in the chair in front of it.

"You're not used to this are you?...Being around people." Zayn creased his brow at him amusement dancing in his eyes.

"Well.... Not really." He felt a pang of shame for his response. 

"It's okay, you don't have to be nervous, mate. I won't punch your face out and as much as you may think otherwise I'm not as much of a dickhead as you think. You'll get used to it." 

"Oh, yeah, sorry about that by the way. I guess I gotta learn not to judge people by the stuff you hear in school." He said scratching his head with and apologetic smile hanging on his face.

"Whatever, man. Isn't a big deal anymore. Now what about this project?"

"Well, it's a project on poverty in society. The people, theirs lives, their homes, their jobs, all that. Mr. Bates didn't tell you any of this?"

"No, FishBait face told me to ask you." 

Harry laughed at the name Zayn Mr. Bates. Actually to think of it his face sort of does look like a worm's. "The name suits him. That and his voice sounds like a duck with Pneumonia."

"I know right." From there it went pretty well. Harry actually got on quite well him with Mr. IT and turns out Harry wasn't as much  of the rich brat Zayn thought he was. Go figure.

Most of the time they spent it on their laptops researching, with the occassional goofing off and joking around. Most of the time it was really cool actually. Though Zayn seemed like he didn't really like the topic for some reason, he didn't discuss it much. He acted kind of uncomfortable with it. What's with him? 

"We could stop here for today," Harry said about two and a half hours after they started.

"Okay, I was getting tired anyway." You just slept 'til three? Harry packed up his stuff and headed downstairs with Zayn following him behind. He got downstairs and a dude sitting on the couch watching TV.  "Oh, hey Dad." That's his Dad. He turned to us and got up and walked to us.

"Zayn, who have you got here? I thought it was Louis or Liam you had up there with you." He voice was deep. He wore a turban on his head. He's a muslim? Zayn's a muslim? There's a lot I didn't know about him.

"This is Harry, we're working a project together. Harry, my Dad."

"Nice to meet you, Sir," I shake his hand for introductions.

"You too. One of the very few of Zayn's friends that look decent and well raised." I could see Zayn rolling his eyes from the corner of my eyes. He called me Zayn's friend....

"Yeah, where's mum?" Zayn asked not commenting on his father's remark.

"Out with your sisters, shopping."

"Oh, cool. Well, Harry got to go so I'll show him out."

"Okay, goodbye then, Harry."

"Goodbye, Sir," I replied quickly before being yanked away by Zayn. He lead me to the front porch and stopped leaning on a pillar there.

"So you have everything we got done right?" Zayn asked running a hand through his unstyled hair. 

"Yeah, but because of the sidetracks, we still got a lot to do."

"Sure, maybe we can do it at your house next time." He folded his arms over his bare chest.

"Yeah.... eh, that would be great." NO IT WON'T! Right then my driver came around the corner to pick me up. Yes, saved by the dude it the black SUV! "Well, that's Paul to pick me up. Eh, see you at school." 

" 'Kay, bye." He said then turned and went back in. Irushed into the vehicle and let out my anxiety with groans of frustration. My house!!


Here you guys go, hope you like. Please show your support through votes and comments. Been exhausted lately, taking care of my niece who never seems to tire out, unfortunately. i just squeezed this in. Sorry for the late update, though. 




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