Chapter nine

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Hay, guys, so this ones kinda short 'cause I've been really busy but I promised at the beginning of the book Saturdays and Tuesdays and I'm keeping to it and I just never want to let you guys down or have you wait for too long so, here.  Love the song on the multimedia to your right ----->. Hop you guys like, thanks for the support I just noticed it's over a thousand reads now, that's amazayn! YOu guys are awesome. :-* Sorry for the shortness next one will be longer.



Zayn couldn't help the nostalgia as he looked at the scene in front him, and it wasn't a good feeling. Memories of the trouble he used to get into as he heard the sirens pass by him. The sight of the hood guys smoking on the filthy sidewalks, which reminded him of how he began to smoke and the things that turned him on to tattoos. And then that really bad thing that made him want to move away from all this and was glad at the first chance he got. All of it coming back to bite him in the ass and worse yet when Harry was going to be there to see his fucked-upness. It killed him what Harry had been through. He just wanted to protect him, to be his knight in shining armour -yeah, it's cheesy- but he couldn't. His past was too dark, he could never be what he wanted to be for Harry, especially not after he sees this. He wouldn't really be able to help Harry. He drove thinking one thing, not here...

Harry hadn't seen Zayn in two days and he was sure Zayn wasn't talking to him. He even went to his usual lunch table and sat with Lou, Liam and Niall there. Zayn didn't even show then and Liam and Louis didn't even know where he was. Zayn probably came to his senses and seen what a freak he was. He was delusional thinking Zayn could ever have any feelings for him. Like, just look at Zayn, he can just point to anyone he wants and get them why would he pick Harry. All that happened between them probably meant nothing to him, though it meant the world to Harry. Right when he was coming out of his shell showing a funner side which might be hidden someplace in him, he comes and toys with his feeling like that! Harry just wanted to just fall in a sea and never come up but unfortunately, he was in a school, and it was nowhere near water. So he went to class instead. Then he realized what class it was.

Oh no, Sociology.... Zayn please don't be there, please don't be there. He walks in. He's there. And he's early at that. The only one there. Okay, Harry poker face, now. He tries his best to look like nothings wrong. "Hey," he said in his most nonchalant tone possible. 

"Hey, sorry for walking out the other day on you, had to-"

"It's okay, I finished it on my own in the two days you were avoiding me." His wall broke.

"Harry, I wasn't-" He keeps cutting me off!

"It's okay, Zayn. It's not like a guy like you dates someone like me in other situations. It's not like I was even worth it anyway. We can just forget about what happened."

It crushed Zayn when Harry said that. Yes you are worth it! You're worth the whole fucking world and more, Haz! Zayn didn't care about what happened in other situations. He cared about what was in this one and in this one he had feelings for Harry that could move mountains. Each word came like a stab to heart. How could he ever want to forget, those were some of the best moments he ever felt in his nowhere-near-perfect life. He didn't want Haz to be like this. He wanted his nerdy Harry, or his sexy Harry that could make his entire body tremble just by contact. He needed that Harry. The truth is he thought if he stayed by Harry and they did this project thing and went there, it wouldn't be that good, so he thought just stay away from harry until after there trip but Zayn just couldn't stay away. Being without seeing Harry felt like being without water in the desert. He was drawn to him and he couldn't deny it. "Harry-" Just then a wave of students came thrashing into the class, quickly followed by the teacher. What is up with people cutting me off!

The two immediately hurried to their seats.  Harry was just glad this was the last period for the day so he could just rush home, though it wasn't the warmest place. Just anywhere he wouldn't have to face Zayn. He doesn't think he would be able to handle it. "Well, students, as you should have known. Today is the date of your test for end of term, worth twenty percent of your grade. Get your stuff out." Mr. Bates said grabbing a stack of exam papers. The clumsy idiot through down half of them, taking them. Right as he was picking them up Harry got a note sent to him, it was from Zayn. It read...

We need to talk, after the period. Bleachers.

Oh FML...

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