Chapter twenty nine

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Hello beautiful people, I just want to tell you guys about this amazing girl, She is ChasingClouds_Xx and you guys should really go read her book Just a Crush, it's a Larry so all you Larry shippers out there, go mad. I feel really bad about not updated and I've finally gotten a break so maybe two in a night and I'm close to finishing so plus I made this longish. This is dedicated to 1DreamTeam for her amazayn book which is Drawn Out Dreams and it just takes my breathe away.




"Mum!" Harry shouted to Anne from the elevator of the hospital. She was seated in chair at the end of the corridor with her head in her hands. He rushed to her side immediately. The smell of cleaning products and rubbing alcohol flooded his nostrils as he moved through the hospital. As he reached his mother he knelt down on one knee next to her and pulled her hand gently to try and remove it from her face. When she looked up, Harry saw the tears which were flowing down from her red puffy eyes and the way her lip trembled uncontrollably. He really didn't know what to think but he was even more astonished when he looked up to see his sister, Gemma coming his way. Gemma never comes home...

"Gem, what's going on?" He questioned hesitantly.

Her face was filled with a set of conflicted emotions but strangely the most prominent one was... pain.


"Brain dead..." Harry said slowly as he stood next to Gemma in his father's plush hospital room. He eyes were glued to his feet as the doctor's words sank in.

 "Yes, his body is still functional but he's lost," the doctor explained further. He was lost a long time ago if you only knew. He seemed to think sarcastically but in all truth he didn't know how to react to all this. 

"So what are the options, sir?" Gemma asked like there was something they could do to get him back, her tone was flat but her eyes actually seemed like they were searching for hope. 

"There's nothing to do Gem, our father's a giant vegetable now," Harry rolled his eyes, a bit of a callous chuckle leaving his lips. 

"Harry..." Gemma turned her attention to her little brother whose emerald green eyes seem to be empty and lifeless. He didn't bother to reply to her but bit his lips as if he was holding back the words that had to come out.  

".... Well ultimately your only option would be to shut off his life support because he's not really coming back," the doctor informed them. "You don't have to do it now, maybe you would want to say some form of goodbyes but eventually it has to happen. When you do, maybe you would consider donating his best functioning organs to our transplant program. They would really be helping a lot of people."

"G-Give away parts of him?!" It was then that Anne seemed to walk in tears still streaming down her face. A sigh of sad exasperation left Gemma's lips as she moved to her mother's side, rubbing her shoulders comfortingly as she shook with tears. Harry still didn't seem to make any moves, his teeth still sunk into his bottom lip. 

"I'll give you all a moment alone to think things through, maybe say your goodbyes." The Doctor stepped out of the room discreetly, closing the door to the private room behind him. 

Anne quickly moved to her husband's side, grasping his hand a look of longing and sadness in her eyes. Gemma released another sigh, her arms now folded across her body blinking back what seemed to be tears. The room was dead silent apart from their mother's sobs and the constant beep of the heart monitor. 

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