Chapter 18- the Wolf within

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I had to watch my friend being dragged away against his will. All the while I couldn't move. I whined at myself- like a dog. The pain in my stomach wasn't too bad, compared to what I've already experienced. It was dusk now, quickly becoming night. 

The night brought a chilling wind. I could hear it whistle and chime past my ears.

I sat up, intrigued by something, I have no idea what.

The wind continued to chime like bells and whistles, calming.

For a moment, I forgot about what had happened earlier all I could think about was what was happening around me.

The wind sped up, storm winds. Dark clouds clustered the sky and not a few moments later lightning would strike. The wind blew tree debree from the forest; dirt, leaves, twigs, flower petals. And I could smell it all, soft lavender, strong bitter scent of the wood, the calming minted scent of the leaves, even the blood in the dirt that reeked with a vinegar scent

I looked up and saw the moon, half phase. It reminded me of the full moon night, when I lost control and turned into a Wolf for the first time.

Though that wouldn't happen this time, it reminded me of that I essentially was a wolf now, this curse, though not my birthright is a part of me. And if I've learnt anything from Zeng my wolf side will always be there, whether I like it or not, and usually its main goal is to keep me safe and alive.

I don't know how and if I can get rid of it, but I accepted that. Might as well make the most of it.

Then my mind snapped back to reality.

I'm gonna find Zeng.

And I think I know how.

I had no fear turning to wolf form, which was a good thing since turning into my dragon form is a huge headache. And I can run much faster on four legs rather than 2. Or maybe 3.

I couldn't run too fast otherwise I'd trip constantly. So, I followed the trail of Zeng and the other werewolves and ran at a steady pace.

The wind was strong, it felt like it was pushing me and making me run faster.

I'm coming Zeng, hold on.

After Who knows how long

(Zeng's POV)

I accepted that I couldn't run anymore. The wolves who had bested me, didn't kill me, nor wound me enough to cause me death. My wounds had partially healed. They stopped dragging me when I was strong enough to walk on my own, and they kept a constant eye on me at all times. Day and Night. They kept my wrists bound to eachother by many layers of organic rope they'd made from the bark and vines of the forest, cutting off circulation. Of course at full strength I could break out, but they made sure I was kept weak.

When we stopped every second or third day to rest I was kept held down on the ground while the others did their own thing, hunting, sleeping, grooming themselves- whatever.

I often thought of that Dragon, hoping she was still alive. But I'm sure her heart still beats. She's a dragon, they're tough, tougher than me

I wish my life hadn't come to this, father and mother both died protecting me, and now it's all going to be for nothing, as I knew I was being taken to the pack who took their lives, and they would finish what they started.

We're nearly there. At the Territory of the Onyx wolf pack, my mother's birth pack.


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