Chapter 12- hArmless

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Braxton stared with disbelief and horror through the flame covered trees and burning bushes and grass around him at the dragon who had just turned into a human girl before his very eyes.

It completely caught him off guard

He stood there completely still as the untamed fires raged around him, consuming everything in it;s path like a beast with an unsatisfiable appetite. Corbin had collapsed to the ground. The blue-haired wolf had seen enough and decided to take action before it was too late. He hadn't seen entirely of what had happened, but he did see Braxton attack and myself throw him into a tree and run off while shapeshifting, and of course getting my arm cut off.

With embers falling in their billions from the scorching forest, the clear-skyed night was painted with swirling and flaring flames. He dashed through the flames and knelt beside me as I laid unconscious and severely wounded. Bleeding cuts all over my arm, face and neck. He pressed his fingers on my wrist to check my pulse.

A slow and faint heartbeat that was gradually getting slower.

He lifted me onto his shoulder and stood up, glancing over at Braxton; who seemed to look like he was about to pass out. The werewolf glared at him with disgust and ran off into the night.

It was if something had switched on in Braxton's mind, something long forgotten. Something that was buried deep inside.

As the wolf disappeared Braxton was finally able to speak words;

"She's... me..." He uttered with a faint, shaking tone.

(Dun dun DUUUUN!)

AS the wolf ran I was held with my upper half held over his shoulder facing the ground. I had no idea what was going on. My mind was a complete blur; all I could hear was ringing and the wolf panting as he ran. I peeked open my eyes to see the ground flying past, drops of blood falling to the ground coming from my left. I could feel a warm liquid dripping down my forehead from the cut below my eyes. The pain was so intense that to cope my body decided to completely remove all feeling from my body, so all I could feel was a stiff and uncomfortable numbness. As I closed my eyes, the last thing I could remember seeing was the wolf's feet turning from human, to a bipedal wolf's paws.

After that it was all black.

~A few hours later~


"It hurts" I remember thinking.

"...Where am i?"

"Why can't I feel my arm?"

"What's that noise?"

I wanted to open my eyes. But I felt dead. I tried to move my right arm. But it was if my whole body was paralysed.

I heard voices speaking around me and listened very closely, picking up every single detail.

"She lost a lot of blood. But thankfully the boy that brought her in had her blood type. You made sure his blood was purified of any werewolf dna, right?"

"Yeah...I think"

"You think?"

"I wonder what gave her all these injuries? A Severed arm, 2 cm deep cuts all over her legs, neck and arms, and on her face., they should heal in a few days"

"The boy is waiting outside; we can go ask him"

After that the two-people left, they shut the door softly as to not wake me.

I opened my eyes and looked down at my stump of an arm in horror. I lost a part of myself! And not just that but by a human! I know they can be skilled fighters but I'd never imagine that they'd do this. I began to freak out as I remembered all those years I spent completely surrounded by humans! I wasn't being sneaky at all! My eyes and my tail were all vivid signs! If anyone had found out or even jumped to conclusions I could have died! I wouldn't have been able to escape, they outnumber me a billion to one! I remember telling Olivia about my heritage. What if she had told someone? I have spent years amongst these humans, and at any time someone could have fired a gun or an arrow and bam! My life would be over in the blink of an eye

"So you're awake. Finally,. You've been out for a few days"

I sat up and saw the wolf-boy; a dark skinned, blue haired and marron coloured eye guy. He was pretty tall too and had a strong build (or maybe I'm just short ._.) I looked around and took in my surroundings; I was in a bed, will a blood drips going into my right arm. Bandages over my arms and legs, and my neck. I put my hand to my face and felt the stitches.

I stared at him, I didn't really know what to say.

"Name's Zeng. And you are?" He asked

I hesitated. "Confused and in Pain"

"Ah huh. Well nice to meet you 'Confused and in Pain'"

"I'm not in a joking mood"

"Then why did you give me a stupid answer?"

"Excuse me for not wanting to give my name to a complete stranger after what just happened!!"

"Well.. not a complete stranger. Just tell me what your name "

"Why should i?"

"Considering I just saved you from dying, I'd say telling me YOUR NAME would be one way to show gratitude"

"...Alright okay. I'm sorry.. I'm called Candy"

"Right. So care to explain to me what you are?"

"...A human."

He gave me a blank stare: "You're scent is nothing like a human, more like a reptile. Plus I saw you as a Dragon turn into a human. I know for a fact you aren't human"

"Scent? Da fu-"

"I have a really strong sense of smell, it's what comes with being a werewolf"

"that explains the fluffy ears and tail you have"

"Fluffy?- Never mind. I want to know what you are; a shape shifter? A Magic user? Perhaps a creature from another realm?"

I chose to not say anything. And I remained silent as the doctors came back in to remove the blood drips from my arms then walk out soon after, which was good, because I grew more nervous and tense the closer they were to me.

"Listen, after what happened I'm not too keen on.. being open about myself" I said to Zeng. Then I got an idea "Can you just.. give me 5 or 10 minutes to myself. Then I'll tell you"

He gave me a suspicious look, then left the room.

Then I jumped out the window and ran!

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