Chapter 14- Fear

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The Fox girl- who was known as Amelia, led me back to the village, which was quite a fair distance away. I wasn't keen at going back since I went through so much trouble to get out of there. But Amelia ensured me it was safe, just a normal- mainly farming village, where she and her dad lived. She also told me her mother lived in a village just on the other side of the forest, but she only lives with her mother every second month. I honestly felt that Amelia was genuinely a good person, who wouldn't harm a fly. So I trusted my gut and stuck with her. She was very curious of my missing left arm, a touchy subject that I didn't want to share the details to. I did however tell her I was attacked, and not to keen on being around other people. Be she convinced me that if anyone was going to harm or kill me, they would have done so already. And taking into consideration what Zeng said- that I was unconscious for a day or two and nothing happened. It sorta lowered my anxiety.

I asked her why she Fox-like?
She told me she was a Foxzit- a cousin species to werewolf that instead of being half wolf, they're half fox, and in human form have a few physical features of their fox form; like their ears, fur colour being their hair, tails and in some rare cases limbs of their fox forms- however the last one is considered a deformity for some reason.

Foxzits are also have thought to evolved from werewolves just a few thousand years ago.

Amelia's tail was really fluffy- like a Pomeranian. When I pointed this out she said to me;

"you should see my mother's, she has three white tails that are a meter and a half long!"

"Dam. So are all Foxzit fox forms like yours- being tiny and chibi looking"

"No just me.. I had a genetic condition where my fox form is smaller than normal, sorta like Dwarfism in a way." She said sounding a bit sad

"Is it an issue?" I continued to ask her

"Well...I'm not really strong or intimidating. But on the plus side I'm a really fast runner and able to get into small spaces with ease. So it's fine "

"Don't worry. We'll be short together!" I laughed putting my arm over her shoulder.

She laughed too, as we made it into the village every step I took farther into the village I was getting more nervous, seeing so many people... so many dangers....

For a moment, I remembered being chased by Zeng, I wonder where he is now. To be honest if he really is a werewolf, he could inform me of what I need to know now that I'm one too. I couldn't see him anywhere.

(OMA why does it sound like a full moon makes werewolves go drunk XD That wasn't what I meant but it sure as heck sounds like it *dies from laughter*)

Amelia invited me to her dad's house, I accepted. Not like I had anything else to do. I noticed outside Amelia's house was FILLED with flowers, and I'm not talking just a row of flowers around the house, I'm talking the whole house was surrounded by rows of flowers all spreading about 6 meters from the walls. All the flowers were in perfect condition, no brown tips or signs of insects feeding off the petals or leaves. There were a few bees flying around taking advantage of the surplus of beautiful flowers. But other than that; no grubs, no caterpillars or snails, no insects that damage plants.

She even had Sunflowers, which made me smile.

She led me into her house and introduced me to her dad; who had the same red hair as his daughter. He offered a handshake. But I didn't want to shake back. Not to be rude, but... I have my reasons.

He shrugged it off. I apologised for my rudeness and just used being claustrophobic as an excuse. That sparked a conversation. He told me;

"My little possum Amelia is claustrophobic too. So she spends almost every hour of the day in the garden."

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