Chapter 16

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The next morning I woke up exactly where I was last night; sitting next to Zeng. Who was asleep- looking very peaceful and his foot slightly shaking- something I've only seen dogs do when they dream...

I looked out over the village. It was still and silent. The only noise coming from the soft gust of wind blowing through with the early morning breeze. It was nice to be freed from Anxiety's mental strain.. 

I stared out into the forest just outside the town. I could practically smell the fresh green grass from the outside, and the bitter scent of the wood of the dark oak trees. I'm guessing that's my wolf curse kicking in. A wolf was never something I was fond of turning into before, when I transform I usually adopt all the advantages and disadvantages of the creature I turn into, and a wolf was something that could have gotten me killed. But now I felt more comfortable with it- whether it is because of my curse or my own opinion. Actually, I don't shapeshift into anything other than human and normal form.

The forest just outside the town looked incredibly welcoming, like I was being invited by some subconscious thought to explore it. I had a random desire to run, usually I can't be bothered moving at all after just waking up, I just prefer to lay there for a few minutes. But I felt like I could run a marathon right now!

My full attention was locked onto the forest. The calling to run to it, run amongst the trees, run through the rivers and the grass, to breathe the fresh cool morning air. It was like instinct. A call of the wild I guess you could say. In the past I would regularly leave the town I lived in to explore the nature and be in my true form for a few days- but that was just to have time to myself. I did it so I wouldn't suffer the effects of being in another form for too long. However, this was a conscious choice

This situation however was more or a subconscious choice- having no reason to go, but still feeling the need to.

Without thinking I rose to my feet and started to walk. In a few seconds, I started to speed walk. Then run.

I bolted out of the town and ran out into the forest. As I ran deeper I felt a subtly warmness under my skin. A slight electric tingle. I didn't realise at the time what was happening but as I ran I noticed my view height was getting lower to the ground. My 'hand' began to touch the ground.

I had turned into a wolf once again. Though this time there wasn't any pain, or at least I didn't realise it. I'll be honest, I was completely oblivious to my sudden transformation. I kept running through the forest for about an hour non-stop. Running on 3 legs was difficult, I tripped over a few times, Okay more than a few. The earth was cold and damp from the dew soaked leaves and dirt. The tree branches and leaves smacking into me spread dew on my face, shoulders and back. But I didn't really care. Nothing went through my mind. I had nowhere in particular to go, but the thrill of just continuing to run, not caring where I'm going, having those quick reactions and reflexes to jump over, dodge, slide under or climb over the obstacles in my path was exhilarating. My heart was pounding and my breath was racing back and forth.

When my seemingly endless energy eventually began to give out, I slowed down and eventually came to a stop. That's when I realised I was in another form. It was certainly a surprise to see my hand now a paw. My fur was the same colour as my hair- a dark brown and a red tip. My ears twitched at the sounds of running water and I followed the sound till I came to a small flowing river.

As I lowered my head and took a drink I heard something else. Something other than the brushing and swaying of the tree's branches and leaves, and the wind. This sound was from something moving. Something running past the bushes, snapping sticks and brushing the grass. I lifted my head and looked around- and in the corner of my eye for a split second I caught sight of a black creature dashing past an opening between the trees. It was twice as large as me.

From what I heard there were multiple of these creatures. And they were running around me under the cover of the thick forest growth.

I didn't want to fight anything...

Even when I started to consider changing to my true form, instantly my memory of being attacked all those nights ago, my arm being taken, flooded back and forced that thought out of my head. I don't want it to happen again...

So I decided to run. Trying to remember the path back to the village. The creatures ran after me. I looked behind and caught a good glimpse of what they were;


5 Werewolves.

Ones like Zeng- Bipedal and absolutely huge!

They were catching up to me. And as fast as I could run on 3 legs, I couldn't hope to outrun them. I was already exhausted from running before!

I tried to make a sharp turn and loose them. But turns are difficult on 3 legs and I tripped and toppled over the ground. As I tried to get back up again one of the wolves lunged on top of me and held me down with it's paws. It was out of breath.

"Hey... what's the hurry?" It asked rhetorically

The other four wolves caught up and gathered around me as I thrashed around trying to get free.

"Do you really have to be so snarky?" one of the wolves asked the one holding me down. "And take it easy, she's lame"

"I'm not taking any chances. This one has fragments of Zeng's scent on her, he must be close!" The wolf holding me down replied very eagerly.

"Get off me!!! Let me go!!" I cried out.

The wolf holding me stood off me, grabbed me by the throat before I could run, and held me off the ground.

I transformed back to my human form as I tried to pry her hands off my neck and kicked my legs.

"She's a weird one. Her own scent is like a reptile. And her eyes are slinted like a snake." Another of the wolves said.

I couldn't speak back, I could barely breathe!

"Tell me, have you seen a blue haired wolf?" One of the wolves asked me

My voice was scrappy as I tried to force words out of my air-desperate lungs;

"I.. can't...Breathe!!"


Back at town Zeng's ears perked up alert at the faint sound of my yelling. He woke up with a jolt and looked around.

"Candy?... where did she go?" he said to himself

When he heard my second cry coming from the forest he jumped to his feet.

"Oh crap"

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