Zeng's Past- Pt 1

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(Lisa Lune's POV)

I was the omega of my pack. Always the last to leave, and the last to arrive. Always the one who the ate the scraps, who had to clean up after everyone else. While my sisters and my mother cared for the newest litter of pups every month, all I was allowed to do was clean up after them. Never allowed to even speak to the pups.

I wasn't a hunter, nor a gatherer. All I could do is just do whatever some else wanted me to do. Despite this, I'd rather carry this burden of the Omega title on my own shoulders, then watch someone else suffer under its crushing weight.

I yearned to have a child of my own. Someone to love, someone I'd happily give my life for.

That's when I met him, Arthur Zeng Lune'. A lone wolf, but a handsome one. I met him one night after I ran away from my pack after a busy day of chores, I was exhausted, i didn't get nearly enough food to sustain me, and I hadn't the energy to hunt for myself. But when I saw him at the other side of the lake, I felt a warm spark in my heart I'd never felt before. He had dark skin, golden-blond hair, Marron eyes. And he didn't wear a shirt, only a blue navy jacket and knee-level shorts.

He looked back at me, and he stared. Not intimidatingly, but with curiosity and interest. He walked over. Naturally I was absolutely terrified of this unknown, huge wolf, that could potentially be my killer, walking towards me. Also the fact that my father's rule specifically forbids socialising with wolves not apart of our family pack.

He walked up close to me and I jumped back a bit in surprise when he spoke:

"Do I know you?"

I replied with a stuttering voice:

"N-no... we've never met"

"Oh.. Sorry Deja vu..heh, may I ask your name?"

"u-uh... L-Lisa"

"Lisa.. that's a nice name."

I whined a bit, i was extremely nervous, not just because he was the most handsome wolf I've ever met, but because he's also one of the strongest. And I'm not a fighter, all I could do was pray he didn't have the intention of harming me.

"Well miss Lisa, my name's Arthur" He said as he bowed.

"Please don't hurt me.."

He looked shocked and said;

"What? No of course not! Why would I hurt a beautiful gal like you?"

"Are you flirting with me?"



"You ask a lot of questions" he laughed

"I can't talk to you.." I said looking away

He raised an eyebrow and sat down next to me "Why? No one's here to stop you"

"If we get caught.."

"Where's the border of your pack's territory? Are you outside it?"

I got very nervous when he asked me that, but I gently nodded

"Then their rules don't technically apply here. Besides- I'm bored and I could use someone to chat to. I've kinda been alone for a few months. "

I whined again unsurely.

He replied again:

"Well, if you're still worried. You don't have to talk to me. I'll just talk to you and you can listen."

(Lisa's Physical Appearance: Fair skin, light blue eyes and dark blue hair, wears a flannel green long-sleeved shirt that exposes her shoulders and neck, and wears a brown pair of shorts)

[OLD] Flight By FirelightOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora