Chapter 3- Imprisoned

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 I fell through the void for some time until I landed on the pale, yellow stone of the huge island mass floating isolated in the vile purple abyss, and in the process created a large crater around me, about 100 metres in diameter. I pulled myself up, still engulfed in anger but also mostly confused and dizzy, and looked around. Tall, solid obsidian pillars stretched hundreds of meters into the sky all around the island of the Eternal Realm, it's surface rough and uneven. I sensed other living creatures within the realm along with me. Creatures with long slender bodies, coloured completely black and allowing no light to reflect of their skin. Purple droplets of slimy liquid dripped off their long-stretched limbs which moved and swayed like long ropes showing no visible signs of bones. 3 claw like fingers poked out from the ends of their hands. It was if their whole inner bodies were made entirely of ink* all held together in a black skin like a balloon. Their faces were flat, showing no emotion, only two eerie luminous violet eyes- that's it. A distorted noise echoed from them, since they had no visible mouths I don't know how they made those notices but it sounded completely unnatural. 

I didn't like the way they stared at me. Gathering all around me, glaring! I would have burned them to ash if my attention wasn't drawn to something else- A horrid screech that sounded like a snake's hiss and a lion's growl. A winged beast flew through the sky, A dragon of black and purple gradient scales, two pairs of powerful spiked wings, a whip-like tail, horns poking out from the back of it's head, spikes running down it's back and sharp teeth like daggers.

The Dragon flew above me, curiously circling like a vulture trying to figure out what the hell I was, and why I was intruding on her Realm.

Immediately recognising her as a threat I rose to my feet swiftly, spread out my wings, threw them down and launched myself into the air- blowing away the black creatures in the process. I chased after the dragon trying to blast my multi-coloured flames at it as I got close to it, but the dragon evades all my attempts- dashing and darting in all directions with swiftness and ease. I decided to just tackle this dragon to the ground and finish this fight quickly and easily. Pounding my wings harder into the air, I sped up and bit down on the dragon's tail.

But she was a lot stronger than I originally thought.

No sooner than I had grabbed hold of the Dragon's tail in my jaws, the Dragon spun around and thrown me off and flying into one of the obsidian pillars with enough force to bring down the whole thing and made it crumble down on top of me as I fell to the ground, crushing into rubble like it was made of sand.

I laid still under the pillar, finally able to come back to my senses.

The Dragon flew down and lifted the chunks of Obsidian off me and asked:

"Who are you? And what is the meaning of this!?"

When she had stopped talking she noticed the tears streaming down my face.

"I want to wake up, I want to go back to being who I was... but I have no idea who that is anymore" I said, then continued to summarise what had happened to me.

The Dragon stood silent for a moment, finding some sympathy for me, then finally spoke:

"Okay fine, I will help to teach you to contain this extra power you have and when the opportunity arises you must back to the realm you came from. But after that you must never return to this realm! Do we have a deal?"

I nodded.

Two weeks later

Finally able to not be driven into a crazy rampage from the extra power I had , I had to honour my end of the deal. Leave the Eternal Realm forever and go back to my home realm, and from there on I would be on my own. Although every second I still endured pain, not as intense as before, but it was always there, keeping me awake at night, haunting me during the day. It was taking so much energy to deal with it, and I got weaker and weaker every day. (night is basically the time when she sleeps cause there's no day or night cycle in the Ender realm) I didn't know what would happen once I returned home. Would the Elder Serpent come back for me? Or will I be able to restart my normal life, I had no idea.

Over the two weeks I had grown a liking to the Dragoness, who for most the time seemed annoyed by my presence. The training was awfully intense, I couldn't tell if she was just playing hard, or trying to kill me. But it soon became apparent that I was no longer welcomed in that realm. During our 'training' one day the Dragoness was especially brutal, snapping my wing and forcing me onto the ground. Never giving me a chance to fight back or defend myself. She kept beating me back. Closer and closer to the edge of the island. Until finally she tackled me straight off the edge, and watched me fall without a hint of regret or concern for me. I said goodbye to the Dragoness, but she'd already flown off.

I sighed and bid the Eternal Realm farewell as I disappeared into the abyss. Swallowed by emptiness and darkness.

I ended being transported to the exact same spot I had been teleported in the first place- the lake. I caught sight the Elder Serpent with another young Serpentine unconscious in the water, their scales already turned white and their feathers golden.

The Elder Serpent heard me and turned his head. The instant he saw me he sprang at me and knocked me out, I didn't have the energy to react in time.

When I opened my eyes, I was frozen inside a giant amber-coloured crystal, shaped like a water droplet, with a rough surface- like a cut diamond. The Elder serpent had his back to me and was walking away through a tunnel of stone bricks, some chipped and cracked, the only source of light coming from a few flames from small holes within the walls.

 I recognised the room around me, I was in an underground Ruin, where great creatures of power were put in an endless slumber, frozen in crystal for knows how long. Normally I would try to break out

But I was too late, I felt nothing and I was growing tired, my eyes were too heavy to keep open anymore. As my eyes shut and my sight of the Serpentine faded I entered my imprisoned coma.

(I've noticed these chapters go from zero to a hundred really fast))

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