Chapter 15

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"LET GO OF HER!!" I yelled at the wolf. It laughed at me, and smirked at Zeng, she grabbed Amelia out of her jaws and held her by her head, and asked in a sly wicked tone to Zeng;

"How long do you think you can run for Omega?"

"Let her go and your Death will be quick and painless" Zeng replied with a growl under his voice, trying to hold his transformation into a wolf back will all his will. But he couldn't hold himself back any longer- a werewolf's transformation is heavily controlled by emotions, and his rage was taking the reins.

He turned and lunged at the wolf, she droped Amelia and tackled him back, biting it at the neck.

Something was telling me he wasn't fighting for Amelia though...

I grabbed Amelia and carried her back to the village, she opened her eyes as a ran and saw the two terrifying wolves fighting and slashing blood across the air.

I got her back to town, though anxiety kicked in the second I set foot in the village. But this time I couldn't afford to let it hold me back- Amelia needed urgent help. So I took a deep breath to relax and ran straight to her to the hospital I was in. The doctors took quick action and within half an hour she was treated for any potential infections and bandaged up.

As Amelia lay on the bad asleep, I wondered if Zeng was okay?

Just as I said that he burst through the door, cuts and blood all on his arms and a few bleeding bite marks on his neck, but thankfully no visible deep wounds.

"Zeng are you okay? What happened to you?" I said running to his side an he fell to his knees leaning his arm on the wall.

"She's gone... I got rid of that wolf" He replied

"Oh.. Do you want me to get someone to hel-"

"No! I'm fine"

"Yeahno you're not. Hold on I'll get something to help you -___-" I said to him and walked off to get something. He sat down at Amelia's side and started to lick the wounds on his arms, which is a thing I've only known wild wolves to do, but I guess it makes sense cause he's half wolf. He looked over to Amelia.

"glad you're okay, Foxy" He said quietly "But you won't always have someone there to save you.. I don't know if you can even hear me, but if you can- you need to learn to fight"

I came back maybe 5minutes later with some bandages

"Ow! Easy! That hurts!" Zeng yelped out angered

"Well it wouldn't hurt as much if you stayed still!" I yelled back to him

He groaned as I continued to bandaged his arms. He had to have a few stitches put in by the nurse but not a lot. She offered to take the stiches out of my face, but I really wasn't comfortable about that. I knew they had to come out but- eeeh.

"Do you want me to take the stiches out?" Zeng asked just after I finished his arms

"Ummm..." I replied

"Say no more"

"wait wait wait hold on!!" I called out extremely anxious, moving back a tad

"Calm down, I know what I'm doing. Just relax, it won't hurt" he said starting to carefully pull out the stictces.

Within a few seconds, they were out.

A few minutes later Amelia woke up and her dad raced in, and I think he broke the door when he came in with his 'enthusiasm'.

"OH my sweet little possum! What happened are you okay!?" He hugged his daughter tight, which actually hurt her, but he quickly loosened his grip.

"I'm fine dad, just a little sore..." She replied

"Thank goodness you're alright" He sighed with relief

"Daddy.. I wanna go on an adventure." She said softly

"WHAT?!" said all three of us; Me, Amelia's dad and Zeng.

"But you could have died!" Zeng said

"I know. But besides that, the whole thing was exciting! I've never left the village on my own before and it was awesome" She replied excitedly

"No!" Her dad said sternly

"But dad-"

"No! You were attacked by a werewolf! I'm not letting you go out there again after that!"

"Can we please think about this before you make your final decision. Mother always allowed me to go on adventures"

"You're mother's not here! Besides she's stronger than you, you're just a kit!"

"No I'm not!"

Zeng and I just stood there not really knowing what to say. We decided to leave and leave them be.

Zeng and I went outside and sat down outside the house leaning against the wall

"Why did that wolf call you Omega?" I asked him out of pure curiosity

He was silent just staring at the sky, I waved my hands in front of his face to make sure he's still on this planet

He moved my hands away and sighed

"if you don't want too that's fine" I said to him

He was again silent for a few minutes before saying;

"Thanks... just know that I need to stay moving. I have to keep running"

"I'd like to join you, if you don't mind the company"

He smiled at me;

"Sure. Having a Dragon around might prove to be useful"

"YAY! I'm useful"

He smirked and laughed a little.

"So, how's getting used to the ears?" He asked curiously

"Umm... I guess I'm getting used to them.. it still feels weird though, they sorta move around on their own" I answered

"Yeah they'll do that, and so will a tail. That is if yours ever shows up"

"Is it suppose too?"

"Should. Although, sometimes people who weren't born with the curse can make their ears and tail diappear whenever they please"

"Can you?"

"no I'm stuck with the ears and tail. But I think I might have an idea of how to make your wolf tail appear"


"When do you usually notice a dog's tail?"

"when it wags?"

"exactly. The wolf features usually appear depending on your emotions. Specifically, when your happy or excited, or angry or feeling threatened."

"huh.. cool"

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