Chapter 4- Awoken

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(IT'S YA BOI!!!)

 1000 years later (fyi time may pass differently between the 4 realms

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 1000 years later (fyi time may pass differently between the 4 realms. I have no idea how, but yeah. Just keep this in mind)

During the time I was imprisoned in crystal I had only physically ages a few years. I feel I should mention that before I was imprisoned I was only a child, however now I was about half way through juvenile stage. The golden tips of my feathers had slowly turned to a dark rose red, for what reason I don't know. The overflowing power I once felt was gone; Almost all of it completely disappeared, while leftover remaining fraction was suppressed over the passage of time, compacted and sealed away within me, it too fell into a deep slumber waiting to be awoken.

I might as well have been a statue of stone. I couldn't feel anything, I couldn't see. As I slumbered through the centuries, time flew by so fast. A year felt like a minute. I somehow could dream from time to time, it was all the same thing; staring at the sky, an ocean of black obsidian, uncountable crystal stars scattered in every inch of the sky. I felt like I could reach out and grab it, but I could never reach far enough.

Then, something happened and interrupted my endless slumber. Unknown to me a stranger from another realm had wandered into the ruins, wearing no armour, and wielding nothing but a simple sword in a sheath worn on their back. The person wasn't a Serpentine but was a human, or at least they looked human; brown hair and eyes, wearing all dark clothing. They walked up close to the crystal I was frozen within and placed their hand on it, judging from their facial expression they didn't seem to notice me inside, the crystal wasn't clear anyway. Seeing the crystal as very valuable they raised their sword and stabbed it straight into the crystal like it was butter. They must have possessed abnormal strength much greater than a normal human could possibly achieve to break through the crystal.

The human pulled out the sword, no sooner than they did the Crystal cracked in all directions. As the cracks got larger and larger a blinding light escaped from the cracks and shined out with incredible intensity. Cracks continued to spread all throughout the crystal until it could no longer hold itself together and with an almost-deafening crash the crystal shattered into dust.

The human was very shocked and without words as he saw me appear laying on the ground motionless, still unconscious but now able to awake. The human stood there frozen as I slowly opened my eyes, my body was stiff and tingled with pins and needles. I couldn't move straight away I had to wait for a moment to regain feeling in my body after hundreds of years of being asleep and frozen still. By the time I could lift and turn my head to look around the human had already turned and started leaving, after becoming aware that I was breathing and still alive.

I tried to call out but no words came. Collecting all the strength I could muster I forced myself to stand and awkwardly stumbled forward in a sorry excuse for a walk. I tried to keep my balance while I walked, it was like I was a newborn trying to figure out what walking is and how I do it. So, I drunkenly (describing how she's walking, she's not actually drunk) followed the human. The human didn't hear me follow him. I struggled to keep up but I pushed myself to speed up as he turned the corner and made me lose sight of him. When I turned the corner it was a dead end, and standing facing the wall stood the human who raised his hand and somehow created a portal in front of him. He stepped through and the portal remained after he vanished into it, but it slowly it began to shrink. Without thinking twice, I bolted forward and went through the portal.

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