Chapter 1- The Realms

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In the FireLight Universe there are 4 main Realms in existence, but there are probably countless others that have been unrecorded by the scholars of my home. The realms exist like bubbles in an empty room, the empty space around the bubbles is the Void.

The Calamity Realm, is basically Hell. Filled with oceans, rivers, lakes and fountains of liquid magma! The ground is made of an unknown substance called netherack- red and pulsing like a beating heart with red liquid sponging out of it. Creatures of Negative magic are known to dwell there. Old myths say that those who practised dark magic were banished to this realm for all eternity to suffer and be tortured by the supernatural atmosphere. The Creatures that call this realm home are horrifically twisted, bodies distorted and unnatural. Mythical creatures of Fear, anger, Blood and gore roam this realm; Hell hounds, demons, imps, Fire Wisps (aka Blazes) wither skeletons. It is a very feared place.

The Eternal Realm consists of a Single island of White stone, isolated in a dark purple coloured abyss. It gets it's name from it's eternal Darkness that cloaks the entire realm in a endless night. Its home to a very powerful dragon, however very little is known about her. The strange creatures that live there are mysterious in the way that their bodies aren't bound to this realm like the creatures of the other realms. They can somehow instantly Teleport themselves to another realm- the OverWorld and back whenever they please. In comparison with the other realm dwellers who must use handmade portals to travel between dimensions. However, they can't stay away from the Ender Realm for too long otherwise their bodies start to decompose and rot away.  

The Overworld is the most simplistic. Being almost identical to your Earth so I don't really need to explain anything. But it's the realm in which humans and humanoid creatures inhabit the most. Animals exist, however, mythical creatures are very rare. The environment consists of forests, deserts, Snowing places, mountains, oceans, fields you get the picture.

The Dawn realm is like if someone got the Overworld, a bucket of paint, glitter and magic- mixed it all into a bottle and then threw it off a cliff, retrieve it, and voilla. The inhabitants of the Dawn realm are evenly animals and mythical creatures- the mythical creatures being the ones with human level intelligence- sometimes even surpassing. No humans or humanoid creatures exist.

So what's my story? Well I'm a Serpentine Dragon, winged-reptiles with bodies like snakes- long and slender, with 4-8 legs, 2-4 wings, typically with feathers around the back of their heads on their neck, and there tails, they have horns on their heads and spikes along their backs. I've lived in the Dawn realm my entire life. I can't remember most of it. All I know is that I've been alone; I hatched alone, I grew up alone. On some rare cases I ran into others of my kind but never been able to make any connection. Other creatures tend to stay to their own kind and not interact socially with other species, other times they will be hostile to other creatures. Survival of the fittest.

Here we go. 

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