Chapter 6: True Colours

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7 months later

When I first agreed to stay in the village with the kind elderly woman I now knew as Olivia, I had no intention to stay anywhere near as long as I did. But I ended up growing attached to this woman, she treated me like a daughter and greatly encouraged me to stay. I eventually became accepted into the village, and I even went as far as to play a part in helping the woman grow her garden of beautiful Sunflowers, so gorgeous that made all other flowers in the world look like a rotting sheep carcass. She would sell these heavenly flowers to other villagers so they too could admire the beauty and have their simple lives brightened. A few people questioned my unusual eyes, understandably they wondered why my pupils were slinted, like a snake. My only excuse to this was it was a birth deformity. My tail was a lot harder to explain but luckily no one noticed it, because I constantly kept it covered by my hoodie, it was uncomfortable, but I didn't want to sacrifice comfort to lose all of what I had; a home, a friend, a comfy bed and food :P

However, I couldn't hide what I was. Being in this human form was fine for the temporary part. But long-term it felt like I was rejecting my true self, even if I had everything my heart desired it would not be me. And I liked being the normal me, and I didn't want anything to pull me away from what I was. So every few days I would travel away from the village, just a few tens of miles, and I would return to my true form. It felt good to be back to normal. I would then spend the following 2-4 days staying in my true form. Then when my heart ached of loneliness, I would return to my human form, and the village I called home.

However, it wouldn't be called home for much longer.

As the weeks passed I overheard the farmers chatting amongst themselves as they worked to harvest the season's latest crop produce. They spoke of the Terrifying dragon that passed through the village months ago.


They feared the monster would return. And one of them mentioned how a messenger had just returned the week before from her journey to deliver a message to a faraway ally village that was known for their traditional practise of Dragon hunting.

Those words send cold shivers down my spine, I raced home as fast as I could (Which was Olivia's home as she let me live with her) and slammed the door behind me, shaking the walls of the wooden one story house.

Olivia heard me burst in. She was in the garden but instantly dropped everything and came inside to find me sitting at the door with a ghostly pale face and shaking hands. Though it was sore for her to bend down, Olivia knelt in front of me and grabbed by hands. My hands were stone cold, in contrast to her warm sun-bathed hands.

"My dear, whatever is the matter?" She asked softly

"The farmers... they were talking about the... the dragon that came a few months ago... they said a message was sent to a neighbouring village to come and hunt it down" I replied with a trembling voice.

"Do not be afraid, that monster won't harm you. I won't let it"

I mumbled "its not the Dragon I'm afraid of"

"Pardon?" Oliva asked, unsure of what I said

I shook my head and stood up

"it's nothing. I'm not feeling to good, I'm going to lie down for a bit" I said, still shaking. I started to walk to my room and opened the door

"o-oh okay, whatever you like. Can I do anything for you?" She offered kindly.

:No thank you: I replied, closing the door gently behind me.

A few hours later

I had been lying down on my bed in a cold sweat for a long time. I was terrified. I didn't want to be found, especially by professional dragon hunters. I wanted to badly to tell Olivia, I hated to lie to her when I would leave for a few days. But I didn't want to lose her. She had shown more kindness to me in one week than anyone had shown me before in my entire life.

I heard a knock on my door, I answered it and sure enough it was Olivia. Without saying anything I let her in and sat down on my bed.

You're still pale, are you alright?" she asked me, sitting down next to me

"N-no... Olivia, would you... treat me the same if I... looked different?

"Of course, appearances are on the outside, what only matters is on the inside"

"What if I was a 'monster'? a scary one... would you still treat me the same then?"

"If I knew it was you I would, I'd still be a tad scared but I know it's you, and I know that lovely girl is still there"

"I want to tell you something... But promise me you won't freak out"

"I'll try my best" she smiled

"i...wasn't born in this realm. Nor was I born human. I was forced away from my home after I got kid-napped and almost forced to be something I didn't want! I swear I won't harm anybody! I've never wanted to do that! I never will!"

"Candy?..." She thought for a moment "That dragon was you.. wasn't it?"

My silence gave her the answer

"I thought I recognised those eyes" She said

I looked at her, shocked in her reaction.

She hugged me tight.

"I won't tell anyone. I promise. I've spent enough time caring for you to know your true colours, I won't let them hurt you."

I hugged her back

"Thank you"

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