Zeng's Past Pt 2

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(Still Lisa's POV)

I continued to see Arthur every few afternoons/nights for the next 2 years. He would wait at the border of the territory after sundown and I would meet him at the lake. We'd spend the night together; chatting, running, just getting to know one another. The spark in my heart I felt when I just saw him bloomed into a warm fuzzy feeling every second I laid eyes on him. And my heart ached whenever I had to leave. But one thing that always lurked in my mind was the thought that if anyone found out, he'd be killed or worse, in fact we both would. My alpha had a reputation of using torture as punishment for those who did not follow orders or the rules, I knew plenty from my own experiences 

Arthur has brought up the idea of leaving my pack, but if I left my pack, I'd have to run for my life! If they found us they'd have no reason Not to kill us.

But honestly, the thought of being free to do whatever I want is tempting. And Arthur is a nice guy. So I put some serious thought into the idea.

However, as it turns out, fate would not let me decide.

One night, at a half moon I, as usual, snuck away from my pack and met Arthur by the lakeside, he was there early again. I was a bit late, but I always had to make sure no one followed me, and I thought I was safe.

But my 10th sister had seen me sneak out a few nights and had gotten suspicious, and she followed me. She kept a fair distance so we didn't see her, and she made sure to hide her scent as best she could. She waited, and watched.

At the time, I had no idea she was there.

Arthur had told me about his pack. He wasn't the omega, but he still wasn't allowed to have a family- Pack Rules. So he left, unlike mine, his alpha was understanding and allowed him to leave on good terms to start his own pack, however it came with a catch- he could never be able to see his family again, or go anywhere near their territory. While it was painful for him to say a final goodbye to his family, he eventually left and had spent a year travelling before we had just met.

"So, what did you get up today Lisa? Same old stuff?" He asked me while he stood up, skidding flat stones over the lake surface

"Yeah... burying the waste and trash. The juveniles in training had a successful first hunt, so there was a big celebration.. but again, I wasn't allowed to join in" I said depressingly, I sat next to him as he threw the rocks.

He threw a rock straight into the water, then sat next to me, and put his arm over my shoulder.

"I've said it once and I'll say it a million more times; I'm sorry you have to deal with that... Have you thought about what I said? - about leaving?"

"I... I want to leave... But I'm afraid of what will happen once I do... I don't feel like I'm ready to face the world on my own"

"I won't let you be alone. But you make the decision when you're ready. I can wait for you" He said, then kissed me on the cheek, which caught me by surprise.

For that moment I felt the happiest I could ever be, I smiled at him. I went to kiss him back, on the lips this time.

But my actions were interrupted by the spray of blood.

My sister had raced back and gotten the alpha, led him to where we were. And he lunged in, transforming to his enormous wild form and with his claws slashed at Arthur and made an enormous wound, taking out his right eye and splitting open a deep wound all across the right side of his face and around the back of his head. He tackled him and then turned and attacked me, going for my throat. I threw my arms and blocked him from biting my neck, however in turn it made him bite my arm and his bladed teeth tore my forearm apart. Arthur transformed into his wild form, a golden blond furred wolf almost the same size as the Alpha. He threw his fangs and locked his jaw shut, on to the back of the alphas neck.

The Alpha refused to let go of my arm, as he stood up and tried to shake Arthur off, he shook me around with him. Only until my entire forearm was torn off was I free. I ran as fast as I could away, I prayed that Arthur would follow. He did, but not before smearing his own blood into the alpha's eyes to blind him, then letting go and running after me.


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