Zeng's Story- Pt 4

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Ten years later, our little Moon-Chaser was growing very fast, at 10 years of age he's full of energy. Always wanting to play and run, it makes me so proud to see him so full of life. Arthur has even started to teach Zeng how to hunt and track down scents. He's a quick learner too, it will come in handy throughout his life. And he asks a lot of questions too, even ones that have nothing to do with the current situation. Raising him as a newborn baby to the toddler stage was tough, we had little knowledge of how to raise a child but we soon figured out the basics of it.

I've also started to train him in combat, something I feel is very important for him to learn.

Zengy was starting to turn into a very intelligent and strong wolf, he's even started showing signs of developing his wild form, I'm so proud of him every single day, just for being the wonderful little ray of sunshine he is.

And I'm still proud, even after the horrible events that were to come.

One afternoon I was sitting down preparing dinner while my son was digging a hole in the corner of our den, Arthur had gone out for the night to do a quick patrol of our small territory.

When he came back, I was overwhelmed with horror. He ran in (in wild form) and collapsed on the floor, screaming and covered in blood, cuts and bite marks. He was struggling to breath and blood was dripping out of his mouth. Zeng stared in horror at his dying father, he couldn't move. I ran to my husband's side and demanded he tell me what happened

"T-they're...... they're....... c-coming... You're f-ather's *cough* pack!....r-r...R-RUN!!" He yelled as he died on the floor in a pool of blood.

I didn't think twice, I grabbed my son in my arms and ran as fast as my legs could take me, turning into my wild form so I could be prepared in advanced for an attack. I died inside to see the love of my life die in such pain and suffering, but my main concern now was to protect my baby. And I would defend him even if I cost me my life. As I ran I heard multiple werewolves running after us

"Mommy... what's going on?!" Zeng cried out.

I put him down and told him:

"Everything's going to be okay, Sweety, but you need to run! Run as fast as you can and don't look back!"

He ran and I followed behind.

We tried to run to the village nearby, but we were ambushed at the edge of the forest. They grabbed my baby, and I became furious, no on touches my son!

I slashed at the wolf who grabbed Zeng, and they quickly died soon after I slashed their throat, and made a new hole that is not supposed to be there. We were backed up into a dead end. SO I stood in front of my child and defended him.

One by one the wolves attacked, and I pushed them back with plenty of wounds across their faces and bodies, that is if they survived the attack.

Then they started to attack all at once, for a good while I could keep them back. But one bit down on my arm, another my leg, and another my neck.

I'll spare you the gory details but I didn't last long against the 5 wolves who tore me apart, I died quickly...

Zeng screamed. He finally turned to wild form and fought the wolves with tears in his eyes.

As he fought the Alpha of my old pack came forward and ordered his wolves not to kill him, but to just fight him to see what he was capable of.

Zeng was easily able to hold his own against the adult wolves fighting him.

The Alpha called everyone to stop and spoke to Zeng:

"You're quite the fighter for your age... We'll put that to good use"


"Go ahead and try" he chuckled, egging him on

The wolves made way for Zeng to attack the alpha. Zeng lunged at the throat of the alpha. The alpha was quick to react and grabbed Zeng around his throat tight and held him high off the ground.

"Go ahead little wolf. Tear me apart" The alpha mocked him as Zeng struggled to breath and break free. The Alpha then threw Zeng and sent him flying and smashing through a tree, breaking It upon impact. As Zeng desperately struggled to pull himself up he was held down on the ground by the Alpha pressing his foot down on his back.

"Usually, we don't take in outside runts like you. But since you seem to be a strong fighter, and your mother was once a part of our pack... I'll make an exception"

I'm so sorry Zeng. I would never wish this upon you. I wish I could have told you how much I loved you before my life was cut short. And it kills me to see what will happen to you. But I will not break my promise, I will stay by your side forever. Don't lock away that amazing soul and golden heart you have.

Be strong.

Be strong for your mother and father..

Who will always love you..

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